
The Sustainability Alliance, in coordination with the ECCC, is organizing a community event on Saturday September 18 from 4 to 8 pm at Rotary Glen Park, at the mouth of Emigration Canyon. There will be food trucks, live music, fun and educational activities for the kids, and informational booths by regulatory agencies and environmental organizations. Here is your chance to connect with organizations like Utah Open Lands, Salt Lake County Watershed and Restoration, Utah Water Watch, Utah Division of Water Quality, and 7 Canyons Trust, who will have booths/tables and will be sharing their knowledge and expertise with residents. ECCC in coordination with the United Fire Department will also use this event as an opportunity to educate residents on reducing fire risk around the home.

The goal of this event is to celebrate the beauty and value of our canyon environment, while at the same time recognizing threats to the watershed related to climate change – severe drought, flooding, mudslides, wildfires - and other factors. It is a call to action to find solutions and become involved in addressing water quality problems and other issues affecting the health of the watershed. Learn how watersheds work. Find out how installing Beaver Dam Analogs (BDA) can help streamflow. Explore new ways to improve water efficiency using smart water meters that can help detect leaks in pipes. Learn about different ways to conserve water inside and outside the home.

This event will provide information on creation of a watershed action plan with the aim of solving issues related to water quantity and quality. Residents will be invited to get involved and attend meetings this fall/winter organized by Eric McCulley of River Restoration, who has been hired by EC Metro Township to work on these issues.

Community participation is welcome and much appreciated. Share your love and knowledge of the canyon! There are many ways to participate: Organize a history booth, provide information on native plants or wildflowers, display your favorite canyon photographs, or provide local birding information. To discuss your ideas or provide additional suggestions please contact Mindy McAnulty at Thanks for your support!