Elyria Township Trustees compose a three-member Township Board whose members are elected to four-year terms. The Board of Trustees is the overall governing body of the township. They decide issues of township policy and are responsible for all expenditures of township funds. Some of the duties of the board include adopting the annual budget, serving as a board of finance and approving township contracts.
Township trustees do not hold regular offices hours. They fulfill their duties on a part-time basis. However, because they live in the community, they are more readily available to their constituents. They are more able to deal with problems that arise in the township because of their intimate knowledge of the community, its needs and its people.
Township government offers more personal service, more attention to individual needs, and a better understanding of local problems than any other unit of government. It is able to do this at low-cost and with a minimum of red tape because it is closest to those it serves. Your township officials are always available to assist citizens with problems dealing with the Township, County, and State.
Regular trustee meetings are held at 7:00 PM on the second Monday of each month in the township meeting room, located at 41416 Griswold Road, Elyria, OH 44035-2324. These meetings are open to the community.