JEDD Agreement
Shown below is a description of the City of Elyria/Elyria Township Joint Economic Development District (JEDD)
On May 6, 2003, the voters in Elyria Township approved a Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) agreement, between Elyria Township and the City of Elyria. As part of that agreement, which became effective July 1, 2003, employers located in the JEDD were required to withhold from their employees income tax at a rate equal to the City of Elyria rate of 1.75%. The City of Elyria would receive 80% and Elyria Township would receive 20% of this income tax. This tax was imposed on all gross salaries, wages and commissions earned within the JEDD area. This tax was also imposed on the net profits of all businesses located within the JEDD.
Pursuant to this agreement, the appointment to the JEDD consisted of the following:
A. The township appointed two (2) board members, one member representing the township and one member representing business owners within the district.
B. The city appointed two (2) board members, one member representing the city and one member representing persons working within the district.
C. A fifth member, to serve as the chairperson, was selected by the other four (4) board members.
The first meeting of the JEDD Board was held on June 11, 2003 and the first appointees were introduced:
A. Chris Eichenlaub, City of Elyria, representing the city
B. Carl Snezek, Elyria Township, representing township residents
C. Joe Faga, Elyria Township, representative of businesses in Elyria Township
D. Bill Ogle, City of Elyria, representing workers in the JEDD
The Board appointed William Holtzman, Elyria Township Trustee, as the chairperson and Barbara Baker was then appointed as the recording secretary.
The next item was the adoption of the JEDD by- laws. At the July 9, 2003 meeting, a resolution asking the Lorain County Commissioners to perform a feasibility study for sanitary sewers in the township, was passed by the board. At the December 2003 meeting, it was announced that the Lorain County Commissioners had approved the feasibility study to construct sanitary sewers in the township.
Discussions with the City of Elyria regarding connection from the Schaden Road Business Park to Lake Avenue began at the July 21, 2004 JEDD meeting. It was decided that this would be the first project of the JEDD. From that point, until today, the plans on the Schaden/Lake Avenue sanitary sewer has moved forward. Easements have been obtained and papers signed. The City of Elyria has approved the funding needed for the project.
Final approval of all paperwork has been forwarded to the City of Elyria. With the city’s approval, checks for the easements should be sent to the property owners and the City of Elyria will put this project out for bids. Hopefully, this project will be completed this fall.
Initially, the sewer will serve four (4) residents and two (2) businesses. Once this sewer line is completed, several acres of land along Lake Avenue will be opened for development.
Maps of JEDD properties in Elyria Township are available for downloading. Note: Numbers on properties are street addresses and not parcel numbers.
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