Tasks for pre-service teachers
This section contains validated tasks for pre-service teachers and/or teacher education.
All tasks can be downloaded and customised thereafter.
Teaching experience
Asynchronous (forum post) or Synchronous (video communication room, BBB)
English as lingua franca (B2-C1)
Description: In this task, you will reflect on your views and experiences in language teaching. First, upload a post in the forum explaining the language teaching system in your country, and focus on your personal experiences. Then, read your partner’s post and prepare for the video communication session. During the session, you will discuss the similarities, differences, strengths, and weaknesses of each system.
Language biography
Asynchronous communication (Flip)
English as lingua franca (B2-C1)
Description: In this VE task, both student communities will get to know each other by creating a video where they introduce themselves and discuss their multilingual and intercultural backgrounds. They will also react to introductions from two different peers from the partner institution.
First encounters
Synchronous communication (Teams)
English as lingua franca (B2-C1)
Description: Make an appointment with your partner to meet in pairs in Microsoft Teams.
During the meeting, you´ll:
Introduce yourselves and get to know each other.
Exchange information about what you know and the views you have about the other culture.
Make a joint list with things (personal & cultural) you have in common as well as differences you may have.
Discussing technology
Asynchronous (Video recording, FrameVR)
English as lingua franca (B2-C1)
Description: In this virtual exchange task, you will engage in a collaborative discussion using FrameVR, a virtual reality platform. You will create and share a recording made in FrameVR where you discuss various aspects of technology with your classmates, including its private use, its role in education, addressing the challenges, and opportunities it offers, and an evaluation of the virtual world of FrameVR.
Exploring FrameVR
Synchronous (FrameVR, Padlet)
English as lingua franca (C1)
Description: You are about to embark on a journey through the virtual reality world of FrameVR, exploring not only the diverse cultural landscapes but also delving deeper into the Spanish and Dutch villages. This unique collaboration between Spanish and Dutch students is designed to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other's cultures, languages, and the creative efforts behind the virtual environments you will explore.
Discover your partner’s musical world
Synchronous (FrameVR)
English as lingua franca (C1-C2)
Description: You are about to embark on an enriching journey through the virtual reality world of FrameVR, exploring musical trends in both participant countries. This collaboration between Spanish and Dutch students is designed to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other's cultures, particularly regarding the topic of music.
Synchronous (FrameVR)
English as lingua franca (B2-C1)
Description: In this virtual exchange task, you will engage, from a language learner’s viewpoint, in a role play task using FrameVR, a virtual reality platform. You will create and share a machinima (recording) in FrameVR. You will then discuss the simulation of the role play task and an evaluation of the virtual world of Frame VR in light of various aspects of technology, including its private use, its role in education, addressing the challenges, opportunities it offers. This is an asynchronous task.
The ideal campus for student life
Synchronous (FrameVR)
English as lingua franca (C1)
Description: You´ll be meeting in pairs in FrameVR and will discuss your life as students and create the ideal campus. You´ll:
Watch short (360-degree) films about both universities/cities
Exchange impressions on the similarities and differences in your universities / cities (one main campus? / spread-out buildings? / location / official languages)
Describe a typical day in your life as a student in your university (study, sport, social, work, family, leisure…)
What are your preferences and concerns regarding university life? Are there commonalities in your perspectives?
What does an ideal university experience look like (content, pedagogy, exams, timetables and intensity, role students, leisure, social….)? You’’ll work together to find common ground.
In FrameVR E-LIVE hasn’t got a virtual campus. Go there and exchange ideas for the creation of your ideal Virtual Campus (think of buildings, functions, forms and colours, events being organised there…)
Socialising (family & friends)
Synchronous (FrameVR)
English as lingua franca (C1)
Description: You'll engage in a virtual exchange with your international partner using FrameVR. You’ll:
Meet your partner in FrameVR and choose a fun virtual location to chat.
Discuss your families, friends, and their influence on your life.
Be curious and ask open-ended questions to learn more about your partner's family and cultural background.
Gather in the laptop version of FrameVR to share photos, drawings, or objects that represent your family and friends.
Create a quiz about your family and friends to test your partner's knowledge.
Cultural dining
Synchronous (FrameVR, Padlet)
English as lingua franca (C1)
Description: In this virtual cultural dining experience, students will be paired with peers from different countries. Each student will share images of their favorite foods, explaining their cultural significance and associated traditions. Through virtual reality technology, students will interact with their partners as avatars, immersing themselves in a shared virtual space. This cross-cultural interaction will not only broaden their knowledge of diverse culinary traditions but also enhance their intercultural communication skills and understanding. To culminate the experience, the pairs will collaboratively create a fusion menu, blending elements from both cultures and fostering intercultural connections.
Task Design
Synchronous (video conferencing) and Asynchronous (Genial.ly)
English as lingua franca (B2-C1)
Description: The pre-service teachers will share then decide upon a class profile before collaborating to design a virtual exchange task for this specific class.
Organising an international Freshers' event
Synchronous (FrameVR, Padlet)
English as lingua franca (C1)
Description: You´ll be meeting in pairs in FrameVR.
Imagine that you and your partner will organise a get-together where students from Spain and the Netherlands will learn about each other’s cultures. You make choices about:
The drinks and the snacks that will be served
The music that you will play at the event
How you can make the evening more fun with games and music
Stereotypes in linguculture teaching
Synchronous (FrameVR)
English as lingua franca (B2-C1)
Description: Student teachers will meet in FrameVR and discuss existing stereotypes of their own country and whether they exist or not; views they hold about other countries to see if they are shared or not. Afterwards, they’ll reflect on the experience and what they learnt about the other person’s views of the world.
Rituals, relationships and restrictions
Asynchronous (Padlet)
English as lingua franca (C1-C2)
Description: Participants will watch an introductory video asking Where are you local? (rather than Where are you from?). They will reflect on their everyday rituals, relationships and any restrictions that characterise who they are. They will then share these through photos and texts with their partner on an online Padlet before reflecting upon the task.
Mini games for intercultural communication
Synchronous (video communication)
English as lingua franca (C1-C2)
Play hangman together
Talk about personal interests during a game in which each conversational turn has to start with the next letter of the alphabet
Play “Who or What Am I” together
Discuss your plans or dreams for the future, only using rhyme
Reflect together on this session and the exchange as a whole
Planning a week holiday
Synchronous (FrameVR)
English as lingua franca (C1)
Description: You will be meeting in pairs in Spatial (VR environment). Imagine that after five weeks of virtual exchanges you have the chance to stay for a week in your partner’s country, with him/her as a host. The goal of this activity is to discuss the preferences of the visitor and the possibilities the host offers while organising the trip. They will jointly plan a week holiday.
Exploring cultures through literature
Synchronous (Virtual reality)
English as lingua franca (C1)
Description: Participants will meet in Spatial VR to exchange perspectives on literature. Each student will present a pitch about a (favorite) book from their country that they have already read. The session will involve summarizing the book, asking questions, and exploring cultural differences and similarities.
Mini games for intercultural communication
Synchronous (Genially, Padlet video communication)
English as lingua franca (C1-C2)
Play hangman together
Talk about personal interests during a game in which each conversational turn has to start with the next letter of the alphabet
Play “Who or What Am I” together
Discuss your plans or dreams for the future, only using rhyme
Reflect together on this session and the exchange as a whole
Cultural identity and diversity in task design
Synchronous (Genially, Padlet video communication)
English as lingua franca (B1-C2)
Description: Students will engage with one of the E-LIVE Project Teacher Education Modules and learn how to use Virtual Exchange (VE), also known as telecollaboration, to develop future students' understanding of cultural identity and intercultural competences.
Then, in groups, they will proceed to create a VE task on this topic with their online partner(s).
Engagement in task design
Synchronous (Genially, Padlet video communication)
English as lingua franca (B1-C2)
Description: Students will engage with one of the E-LIVE Project Teacher Education Modules and learn how to use Virtual Exchange (VE), also known as telecollaboration, to develop future students' understanding of cultural identity and intercultural competences.
Then, in groups, they will proceed to create a VE task on this topic with their online partner(s).
Gamification in task design
Synchronous (Genially, Padlet video communication)
English as lingua franca (B1-C2)
Description: Students will engage with one of the E-LIVE Project Teacher Education Modules and learn how to use Virtual Exchange (VE), also known as telecollaboration, to develop students’ and teachers’ digitalization skills, particularly through gamification.
Then, in groups, they will proceed to create a VE task on this topic with their online partner(s).
Motivation in task design
Synchronous (Genially, Padlet video communication)
English as lingua franca (B1-C2)
Description: Students will engage with one of the E-LIVE Project Teacher Education Modules and learn how to use Virtual Exchange (VE), also known as telecollaboration to develop students’ motivation.
Then, in groups, they will proceed to create a VE task on this topic with their online partner(s).