E-LIVE Multiplier Event Nuenen (NL) October 2024
On October the 15th the E-LIVE project (Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange), organised its third conference at Nuenens College in the Netherlands.
Teachers from primary, secondary and higher education gathered at the school in Nuenen to learn how to develop innovative, digital teaching methods, using meaningful and authentic tasks in Virtual Reality that improve the quality of modern foreign language teaching.
We have a playlist with recordings of all presentations of this conference. These can be found on our Youtube channel.
E-LIVE Multiplier Event Clermont Ferrand (France)
April 2024
April 2024
On April 10th the E-LIVE project (Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange), organised its second conference. This time with Clermont Ferrand as the venue.
Teachers from primary, secondary and higher education gathered at the University of Clermont Auvergne to learn how to develop innovative, digital teaching methods, using meaningful and authentic tasks in Virtual Reality that improve the quality of modern foreign language teaching.
The focus of this conference was to design 'engaging tasks for intercultural virtual exchanges'. Participants could either join online or on campus.

E-LIVE Multiplier Event Valencia (Spain)
18 Oktober, 2023
18 Oktober, 2023
On October 18, 2023 the E-LIVE project (Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange), organised its first conference at the University of Valencia (Spain).
Teachers from primary, secondary and higher education gathered at the University of Valencia to learn how to develop innovative, digital teaching methods, using meaningful and authentic tasks in Virtual Reality that improve the quality of modern foreign language teaching.
The focus of this conference was to design 'engaging tasks for intercultural virtual exchanges'. Participants could either join online or on campus.
Exchanges on primary schools
Part 3 - Guess who!
Part 3 - Guess who!
If you have been following this thread, you know that the primary school students from Ecole des Volcans (France) and Santo Ángel (Spain) - level A2 English - have already done a task about Monsters (see part 2) and about school items (see part 1). During their final session the teachers, in collaboration with Ciara Wigham, their coach and member from the ELIVE consortium, created a task 'Guess who'! Can you guess what it entails?
As preparation both teachers explained the task to their students and had their students create identification cards to introduce them to their peers. These cards were then exchanged in the pre-task phase between the two schools. Both teachers and learners decided what information to include on the tasks. For example: their name, age, family members, favourite colours, favourite number, food preferences, favourite animals or hobbies.
Based on this information the learners created digital ID cards on a slide (PPT), including, for example, a photo of themselves and pictures to illustrate their personal information.
In class the teachers prepared the students to talk abouth their and their peers' identification cards. They practiced specific language structures such as: "I am ... years old" / "My favorite.... is...". Question structures and conversation management structures - as in the previous tasks - were also introduced.
As a second step before the interactions, teachers prepared a class listening grid - for the partner class - on which to record information based on the ID cards. They then exchanged the names of the learners in each group they had created and devided the ID cards into pack of four, depending on the group composition.
As practice, learners used the listening grid to include information about the ID cards and could write down or draw images of the information they hear.
During the online exchanges learners used a videoconferencing tool and were divided into groups of four. Per pair of two, they took turns to ask and answer questions about themselves per person. The other three group members used the listening grid. After each pair had shared their information, they guessed who is who.
As a post-task, the learners presented this information to their own class. The ID cards could be presented on the board and third person language structures were introduced (e.g. Anna likes to play board games).
Exchanges on primary schools
Part 2 - Monsters
Part 2 - Monsters
Last week we introduced the primary schools in Spain and France and shared the frist activity these students did. This week, we will share their second activity that, despite the name, was not daunting at all!
The second task students prepared was about MONSTERS (and their bodyparts)!! The aim was to familiarise the students with colours and body parts and to practice conversation skills.
As preparation both teachers explained the task to their students and had already decided which body parts to include in the task. The students then got to thing of a monster and decided which body parts their monster had (two heads, seven arms, a tail...) and which color these body parts had (red, blue, white,...). They not only thought of the body part and the color, but also of the size (big, small,...) and the order of these sentence components (three big red noses).
The teachers then introduced the conversation management strategies (e.g. I think our monster should have...) and devided the class into groups of four leaners, based on their langauge levels.
During the actual interactions, students drew their own monster mascots so they could check for understanding and show them to the rest of the class.
What do you think of the monsters they drew! Scary, right?!
Exchanges on primary schools!
Based on our previous messages about the exchanges that were carried out last year, you would get the impression that only secondary school are part of the project. Those who have been following us, know that this is not true at all!
That is why this week we share part of an exchange that took place between two primary schools: one in France (St. Genes) and one in Spain (Badajoz)! The teachers of these two schools decided to do synchronous exchanges using the target language English. They were matched based on the age and language level (A1) of their students and did several tasks between September 2022 and June 2023.
In total students did three exciting tasks to practice their conversation skills. The first task was a guessing game via video chat. Students were attributed a school item (on a card), in a specific color. Their peers had to question them to try to guess what the card was displaying.
As a preparation the teachers on both schools explained the tasks and prepared the students for the exchanges by introducing language structures (e.g., Is your school item … + colour?), conversation management structure (e.g., I did not understand…), and conversation management structures specific to the game (e.g., you are getting warmer!). The pupils first practiced at school in groups of four, before they interacted with the remote class.
Curious to find out what other tasks they preformed? Keep following us for more!
News: French is still a Lingua Franca (exchange)
This week we have another great example of a language exchange between two schools – one in the Basque country and one in the Netherlands. Read more below and get inspired!
From a Dutch perspective, many adolescents leave high school after having had up to six years of French language education. Despite all those hours of French, students frequently complain that they have a hard time speaking French. In this exchange, French teachers Jouke from Nuborgh College (the Netherlands) and Lore from Antoniano Ikastexea (the Basque country) decided to listen to their students and give them the chance to use the language in authentic language environments to collaborate with peers with a different cultural background using the common language they are learning: French.
To establish communication different tools and tasks were selected. Students, having A2 to B1 levels first wrote and introduced themselves using a picture meaningful to them in Padlet – an online interactive wall –. They were asked to read the messages written by the learners from the partner school and react to at least two peers. After that exciting first asynchronous contact, students met in small groups in BigBlueButton – a video communication tool –to present their school and their city to their peers.
According to the teachers, the exchanges were successful and their initial objectives (to have their students communicate in the target language and to learn something about their peers and their culture) were met! They are thrilled with the idea of continuing next school year with more virtual exchange activities.
VR-mediated virtual exchange adventure!
Our undergraduates from Valencia and Utrecht University are embarking on an incredible journey together, exploring the boundless possibilities of virtual exchange through our innovative VR-mediated activities!
Their first encounter took place in the digital realm of Microsoft Teams, where they got to know each other, fostering connections across borders and cultures.
In their second meeting, they delved into the captivating world of FrameVR, immersing themselves in virtual villages and engaging in thought-provoking discussions about cultural artifacts. They also explored the exciting potential of VR for language learning with teenagers! The insights and conclusions from their discussions were captured and shared on Padlet, providing a dynamic platform for collaboration and reflection.
Now, they're gearing up for their next task: exchanging information about student life and envisioning the ideal university experience. Together, they'll discuss what an ideal (virtual) campus looks like and choose a spot in the virtual world to bring their vision to life!
Stay tuned for more updates as their journey continues!
The adventure is just beginning!
Virtual exchanges
Hi everyone!
Now that the school year is ending, and summer is approaching, we would like to share some of the exchanges we have coached during the past half year. In these series we hope to inspire you and provide some examples of the virtual intercultural languages exchanges we have organized.
As always, in education, it has been a busy school year, so we are very grateful for the teachers in our project, giving language learners the opportunity to participate in intercultural and authentic language communication beside their normal tasks.
Get inspired for next school year by the tasks students (and their teachers) from Lek en Linge – a Dutch secondary education school and Antoniano Ikastetxea – a Basque secondary education school - did!
In collaboration with the teachers from the two schools, we have created various tasks in different virtual environments. The 4th year students of English (B1 level) and Spanish (A2 level) first got to know each other via a quiz guided questions in Padlet where they introduced themselves and chose a picture they identified with. Then, they commented on their peers’ texts. They used both languages to communicate and learned from their ‘expert’ peers.
After that, they did a task in the virtual environment (FrameVR) where they discussed cultural stereotypes and preconceptions to then dismantle them.
On a third task, conducted in Spanish in the video-communication environment of BigBlueButton, they discussed everyday cultural rituals. After these VE tasks, students evaluated and reflected on the exchanges with their teachers and talked about their feelings, and possibly changed their perception of the other culture!
The experience was also evaluated with the participating students in a general survey and focus group interviews. The survey responses indicate that students enjoyed the opportunity to connect with new people, learn about different cultures, and explore new experiences, although some of them experienced problems with Wi-Fi, computer connections, and platform issues. The interaction with people from other countries and the exchange of ideas and customs were particularly valued. While there were a few respondents who did not express strong preferences, the majority found value in meeting new people and broadening their cultural understanding through this project.
Workshops & Webinars
In the past academic year we have held several E-LIVE experts webinars and workshops. A list of the recorded webinars can be found at the right on this page.
Note: Recordings of the previous webinars & workshops can be found at the Resources -> Workshops & Webinars.
Virtual Exchanges are being organised
The E-LIVE team and the community of teachers will start in the coming days their virtual exchanges. We will report soon on the first experiences.
E-LIVE at I3D seminar and IVEC
E-LIVE related experiences have been presented both at the I3D Seminar (24th of October) and IVEC (26th of October).
Here you will find the presentation at IVEC where Maria Christoforou and myself describe the pilot experience with VR-mediated virtual exchange we carried out with our students this last spring.
The Dutch E-LIVE team gives a workshop at the Dutch Congress of Language Teaching Association
Bart Pardoel and Kristi Jauregi-Ondarra have given a workshop on the importance of Virtual Exchanges for meaningful linguacultural learning at the Dutch Congress of Language Teachers' Association, Levende Talen (14-10-2022). Inspiring session with enthusiastic teacher trainers and teachers.
Consortium meeting in France
The E-LIVE team will met in Clermont-Ferrand (France) from the 2nd to the 5th of October to discuss relevant project issues:
interactive material development for teacher training (both pre- & in-service language teachers),
organisation of training events for teachers & webinars
international community development for language teacher trainers, trainee teachers and teachers
discuss affordances of new exciting interaction apps to further learner agency, engagement and the development of intercultural communicative competences, as well as literacy skills
creation of engaging tasks for students participating in international virtual exchanges
And much more.
It was a very fruitful meeting. The new training activities and webinars will bre announced in the next few days. Keep following our news!!
Focus group interviews with associated teachers in July and September 2022
Focus group interviews are being held with associated teachers in July and September 2022, in order to find out what their specific needs and wishes are in relation to integrating Intercultural Virtual Exchange projects in their courses. This information will be used to develop tailor-made training programmes.
INVITATION to the E-LIVE Webinar on the 11th of May at 7pm CET
This is the link to our Webinar: (this link is expired)
The E-LIVE project, a consortium of Foreign Language Education institutions, Secondary Schools and an IT expert in Europe, would like to invite you to join us for a Webinar on E-LIVE, a project designed to promote the use of online learning among peers from different countries. If you are a teacher-trainer, a trainee teacher or a practising teacher, E-LIVE has a lot to offer.
What can you expect to get from the Webinar?
This first webinar is designed to give you an overview of the project and the benefits it can offer teacher trainers, trainees and practising teachers.
During the webinar, we will tell you about how E-LIVE can help the teaching community to make foreign language teaching programmes at schools more meaningful, motivating and effective by integrating international virtual exchanges. Collaboration between teacher training institutions and schools is crucial to reach this ambitious goal. More concretely, the ultimate aim of E-LIVE is to offer (1) language learners from different countries the possibility to collaborate and get to know each other online, raise their intercultural awareness, develop their communicative competence in the foreign language while having an enjoyable learning experience, and (2) trainee and practising teachers to develop key pedagogical, digital and intercultural competences to be able to integrate virtual exchanges successfully in their teaching.
In addition to presenting the main project objectives and the activities that will be organised for you to participate in the project, you will hear from teachers and learners who have recently experienced international virtual exchanges
We will also provide an overview of a variety of tasks and tools for online international encounters such as virtual interactive walls, video communication environments, virtual worlds and gamified online activities and new developments in the rapidly developing technological field.
Finally, we will inform you on how you can participate in the project and we will present an overview of the activities E-LIVE will deploy so you and your students can participate in engaging, intercultural virtual language exchanges,
How to attend
Please fill in the online form to register. Once you have registered, you will receive details of how you can join the webinar:
We hope to welcome you all on the 11th of May!