Consortium partners
Utrecht University (coordinating institution), The Netherlands
University of Valencia, Spain
University of Clermont Auvergne, France
Secondary schools
NuenensCollege, The Netherlands
Institut d'Educació Secundària el Quint, Spain
IT expert
3DLES, The Netherlands
Kristi Jauregi-Ondarra is associate professor at Utrecht University (the Netherlands) and member of the "Language Education" research group at ILS (Institute of Language Sciences). Her main area of research is on Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). She is particularly interested in studying how meaningful implementation of Virtual Exchanges, or Telecollaboration projects, can play a crucial role in enhancing students’ intercultural language learning processes, and in transforming teachers’ pedagogical approaches to foreign language teaching. Her recent focus is on the impact cutting-edge technologies (Virtual Reality) and digital games have on intercultural language learning processes. She has initiated and coordinated innovative European projects (TeCoLa, TILA & NIFLAR) and from 2022 to 2025 she will be leading the European Erasmus+ E-LIVE project.
Silvia Canto is assistant professor at Utrecht University, where she teaches and coordinates the Spanish language courses and is also involved in the Master of Foreign Language Pedagogy. She is a member of the Dutch National Expertise Team on Foreign Language Pedagogy, which aims to strengthen education and research on foreign language pedagogy. Her research activity focuses on task design for virtual exchanges (virtual worlds, videoconferencing and immersive virtual reality) and the added value these practices represent to encourage intercultural communication in the language curricula. She has collaborated in various European research projects (NIFLAR, EUROVERSITY, TILA, TeCoLa) that integrate virtual exchanges in blended language programmes.
Miranda Renders is a Spanish teacher with a background in multilingualism and language acquisition. During her masters’ degree in linguistics, she specialized in second language acquisition. More specifically in technical reading skills and the development of (formative) listening skills. In the course of her educational master's degree, she developed various Escape games and co-created a website for ‘Profielwerkstukken’, focusing on Culture Integrated Language Learning. At the University of Utrecht, she collaborated within the coordination and administration of several European projects such as the TeCoLa project, Edina GoPro, TEH21 and will also be working on E-LIVE.
Barry Pennock-Speck is a senior lecturer in the English and German Department at the Universitat de València in Spain and a member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades (IULMA). He teaches English as a Foreign Language, Academic English and Phonology He has carried out research in the fields of corpus linguistics, English language teaching, pragmatics, phonology and translation. His main research interest is the analysis of facework, from a Goffmanian perspective, in diverse settings. Recently, he has focused on facework in telecollabortion, specifically pro-social teasing among adolescent learners. He has taken part in many regional, national and European Projects. In the last decade he has participated in the TILA and TeCoLa projects. From 2022 to 2025 he will be participating in the European Erasmus+ E-LIVE project.
Begoña Clavel Arroitia is a senior lecturer in the English and German Department at the Universitat de València in Spain and a member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades (IULMA). Before that, she was a secondary school teacher. She teaches English as a foreign language and second language acquisition at undergraduate and post-graduate level. She has carried out research on authenticity in language coursebooks and negotiation of meaning (NoM) in classroom discourse. Recently she has analysed NoM in telecollaboration exchanges in secondary schools and looked into lexical density, diversity and sophistication in a telecollaborative exchange at the tertiary level. She has taken part in several regional, national and European Projects. In the last decade she has participated in the TILA and TeCoLa projects. She is currently participating in the European Erasmus+ E-LIVE project.
Ciara R. Wigham is a Senior Lecturer in English Language Teaching and Didactics at Université Clermont Auvergne (France). Her research interests include the communicative and pedagogical aspects of multimodal interaction for online language learning and teaching, particularly in videoconferencing and synthetic (virtual) world environments. She is interested in teacher education in computer-assisted language learning, specifically with regards telecollaboration (intercultural virtual exchange). A methodological focus that is central to her research is how to structure interactions from online learning situations into multimodal LEarning and TEaching Corpora (LETEC) for the development of Open Science. Ciara is a permanent member of the Acté research laboratory Activité, Connaissance, Transmission, Education) where she coordinated the GTNum RAVEL project (2020-2022) that designed and experimented telecollaboration scenarios for English language teaching in primary schools.
Bart Pardoel teaches GameDesign and German as a Foreign language (A1/A2/B1) at a pre-vocational secondary school Nuenens College in the southern part of the Netherlands, and Instructional Design at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences Teacher Education in the Netherlands. He holds an MA in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), and a Bachelor of Education degree in German Language & Culture. During his masters’ degree, he specialized in the field of Gamification for language learning. He also is the co-chair of the “Extended Reality and Game-Based Language Learning” of the EuroCALL SIG. Bart developed several language learning skills programmes in his Moodle environment, which are now integrated into the school’s curriculum. He presented at national and international conferences, and won the poster prize for his speaking skills programme in Moodle. He has collaborated in previous European research projects, such as TILA and TeCoLa. Recently, he has focused on blended learning, and on Gamification as a pedagogical approach. His research interests include materials design, Gamification, Moodle, MALL, and game-based language learning.
Anna Peris Sancho is a full time English teacher in a secondary high school. The high school El Quint is located in Riba- Roja, Valencia, Spain. There, she works with students from 12 to 18 years old. During her masters’ degree in English advanced studies in 2018, she specialized in the linguistics branch, more specifically in second language acquisition. It was during this masters’ degree when she was able to be involved as a field member in a part of the TeCoLa Erasmus+ Project. Currently, she is also doing her PHD in the linguistics branch in the University of Valencia. Her high school is interested in participating in new projects and she can work as a researcher and as an internal observer. As a result of this, her high school is one of the members in the new E-Live project.
Nick Zwart - Knottnerus studied electronics, ICT and theology in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) where he specialized in new media & education. He was a lecturer for the master degree 'New Media and Religion' at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences. He was a researcher at the University of Alcala de Henares in Spain, investigating the use of NPC bots for in-world language training. He is a researcher at the City University in London, researching the use of virtual worlds for Aphasia therapy. He is the founder of 3DLES, a company that specializes in 3D Learning Experience Services with a focus on education in virtual worlds. 3DLES has been a project partner of the EU funded TILA project, TeCoLa project and the Guinevere project. In this E-LIVE project 3DLES works on the technical aspects of the project
Marleen Boogerd has been a teacher of English for almost 12 years four days a week, the last five years at a pre-vocational secondary school Nuenens College in the southern part of the Netherlands where she is a colleague of Bart’s. There she works with pupils between the ages of 12 and 16. She has a Bachelor of Education degree in English Language & Learning and has a huge interest in language, resulting in being part of her school’s language policy department. In the past she taught in a school where they taught a bilingual course in which she was introduced to virtual exchanges. This peeked her interest and that is why she has joined the E-LIVE project.