E-LIVE - FrameVR Virtual Worlds

"FrameVR could be the #1 platform for education."  

Why? It is very easy to enter because it is browser based, but every area can also be protected so strange or unwanted users can not enter, which is great for education. It can be accessed through computers, tablets, mobile phones and VR headsets. It is quite easy to adapt the environment, upload and place your own content in it and teachers (and students) can also create their own frames for free with a maximum of 8 users per environment, if they have an account.

NOTE: FrameVR is still in BETA, but is improving very fast.  

MORE INFORMATION - learn.framevr.io

FRAMEVR IN THE CLASSROOM (website)- Framevr-in-the-classroom 

ACCOUNT (create) PAGE - framevr.io/Home 


TECH SUPPORT - Check the bottom of this page.

FrameVR in the Classroom

We are using and testing a new virtual world called FrameVR which is very suitable for education. As a teacher you can have three free areas and choose one of the 30+ environments and fill it with your own images, posters, assignments, PDFs, audio files, streaming screens, etc.
Read more about it on our FrameVR in the Classroom pages.

FrameVR on a phone

Pros and Cons



E-LIVE areas in FrameVR

You can visit all our online FrameVR areas which we use in this project. Just click on  one of the links below and jump into it.  

NOTE: These environments are open for visitors, but will be closed during educational sessions or for maintenance. If so, do come back later.

Tech support for FrameVR

If you have no audio or video connection, first check if these connections are both allowed by the user.

If you can not connect through the (school) network,  you can do a  so called Twillio Network Test to see if connections to voice and video are working. All listings should pass. During the check you have to give permission for the use of microphone and camera

If you still find problems check with your IT manager at school and show them the Frame White List page  or contact Nick Zwart of 3DLES our technical partner in this project.