Video tutorials for FrameVR

Workshop/Webinar FrameVR

Watch the E-LIVE project workshop/webinar about getting started with FrameVR for education.
If you are an educator and don't know anything about FrameVR this is a good way to start.
Presented by Nick Zwart of 3DLES (NL), technical project partner of the E-LIVE project.

In the video's below, almost all tools of FrameVR are explained in short videos. 

Log in as a guest

Anyone can enter a FrameVR environment as a guest, no account needed. How this works is explained in this video.

How to create an account

With an account a user has more possibilities within FrameVR. This video explains how to create the FrameVR account.

Using a VR headset

A VR headset like the Meta Quest 2 or 3 or the Pico, can be used to walk around in FrameVR. This video explains how to do this with a Quest.

The People button

The PEOPLE button shows you who else is in the same environment.

The Chat window

With the CHAT window  you can send text chat to all users in the environment.

the GO TO button

The GO TO button gives you some links to other places in FrameVR.

Moving around

You can use the W A S D keys (US keyboard)
or Z Q S D  (French keyboard) or the arrow keys of your keyboard to move around in FrameVR.

Microphone & webcam

It is possible to use your microphone and webcam in FrameVR. The video explains it all.

Frame Settings

This video gives you a general overview of the settings of a FrameVR environment. 

Choose your avatar

There are several avatars to choose from. The Android, the Human or a Ready Player me avatar.

Closed Caption (CC)

Closed Caption is really magic in FrameVR. It can transcribe your spoken text and even translate.

Your own environment

As a user, with an account, you can have your own space in FrameVR. You can choose a lot of environments to work with.

Assets & Inventory

You can upload and use your own images, video, sounds, 3D objects and PDF.  These assets and your inventory is explained in this video.

Admins & Members Permissions

Every user enters on a basic level. But admins and members can do more in the environment.

Environment Settings

Every FrameVR environment has its own settings. You can set if others can interact with the assets and many more. So check out how you canset your environment to work for you.

Restricted Access

Protecting your environment so unwanted users can not log in? this video tells you all about it.

Adding Images

Adding Video

Adding Audio

Presenting a PDF

Adding a Text Label

Adding a Text Area

Voice Zones


Streaming Screen

Web Browser

Screen Capture Video