English Tasks

The E-LIVE task descriptions serve as comprehensive guides and adaptable templates for educators, originally designed and validated for either primary or secondary education levels. Despite their initial focus, many of these tasks can be seamlessly adapted for use at different educational levels. Teachers looking to initiate an intercultural virtual exchange can employ these tasks as they are, or customize them according to their specific teaching goals and preferences. This flexibility empowers educators to craft learning experiences that are both engaging and impactful for their students.

Tasks for Primary Education

Guess what!

Summary of activities: The learners are attributed a school item in a specific colour. During the live interaction, learners question each other to try to guess which card displaying a school item in a specific colour the remote partner has. 

Link to the task description

Monster mascots

Summary of activities: The learners interact to decide upon the body parts (colour, number) of a monster. Individually, each learner draws the monster and suggests a name. A second interaction allows the group to decide upon on the best monster to represent their group and their monster mascot’s name. 

Link to the task description

Guess who!

Summary of activities: The learners prepare short identification cards to introduce themselves to a partner. These are exchanged in the pre-task phase between schools. During the live interaction, learners introduce themselves in small groups and their partner school peers record information on a listening grid to compare information with the ID cards and guess the name of the partner school’s class member. 

Link to the task description

Tasks for Secondary Education

Our schools

Summary of activities: The students prepare a presentation and conversation about their school (pre-task). They have a videocall in groups of 2-3 students and discuss their experiences, differences and similarities between their school systems (task). They write a shared conclusion and post it on Padlet (post-task).

Link to the task description

Would you like to visit my school?

Summary of activities: The students prepare a video presentation showing their school. They share them in Padlet and react to the videos created by their international peers. 

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The perfect school

Summary of activities: After finishing the "Our Schools" task, students engage in a video call in groups of 2-3 to craft a presentation outlining their vision of the perfect school (the task). Following this, they present their jointly created ideal school in class as part of the post-task activities.

Link to the task description

Organising an international party

Summary of activities: The students will meet in pairs in the VR environment and will organise an international get together (in pairs). As a pre-task they will familiarise themselves with the VR space and think about their own culture. There will be a joint evaluation afterwards. 

Link to the task description

Discovering culture(s) and stereotypes

Summary of activities: The students introduce themselves, exchange cultural information in a respectful way, reflect on what they have learned  and discuss how this experience challenged or confirmed their preconceived notions. 

Link to the task description

Snakes and ladders

Summary of activities: The students play the classic game 'snakes and ladders' where each square of the game is a question to get to know their partner better. 

Link to the task description


Summary of activities: The students will create a video where they introduce themselves and ask questions in small groups. 

Link to the task description

Getting to know each other

Summary of activities: Students produce a short text describing themselves and commenting on their partners’ texts.  

Link to the task description

Green schools

Summary of activities: The students in each class share commented photos of different aspects of their school or project that highlight sustainable development. The recordings are shared with the peers, who will react via the Flip-platform to compare. 

Link to the task description

Our very own sports

Summary of activities: Students share interests about sports, play online sports games (E-Sports) together, research sports rules and -history to invent new  sports together. 

Link to the task description

Top chef

Summary of activities: Students present (and vote for) various existing recipes on Padlet, learn how to present in FrameVR and learn how to prepare the chosen food.  

Link to the task description

Discussing a topic

Summary of activities: The students meet on BBB and introduce themselves face to face (previously they had introduced each other asynchronously on Padlet in a previous task)

Students deliver a presentation on the topic of “measures to keep our environment safe”.

Students exchange information about the topic “favourite books and films”: this can be done through an interview or in informal conversation.

Link to the task description