Getting in Touch with the Elephant in the Room


The expression “the elephant in the room” is a metaphorical idiom for an important issue that is obvious, but no one wants to discuss because it feels uncomfortable. Everyone's home may also have an elephant in the room, filled with different emotions and needs. However, our family members, for various reasons, may ignore the elephant and live as usual, missing the opportunity to understand the needs behind emotions.

The Counseling and Wellness Center is pleased to invite you to our exhibition outside LT-A at the Academic Concourse, during 26 February - 5 March 2024. The exhibition features personal stories from a group of students who are eager to raise awareness and co-create a compassionate university community. Let’s turn the lights on and touch the elephant in the room, re-establish connections, break down prejudices, and regain the strength to empower family harmony for mental wellness.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to a group of students who generously shared their personal stories to help raise awareness and co-create a compassionate community.


科大學生輔導中心誠意邀請你於二零二四年二月二十六日至三月五日蒞臨吳家瑋學術廊參觀這個展覽,聆聽同學們的故事,共同創造一個富有同理心的大學社區。 讓我們亮起燈,一起摸摸這隻大象,建立更好的連繫和理解,為心理健康和家庭和諧注入新的力量。


*Acknowledgement: This exhibition is part of Counseling and Wellness Center "Empowering Family Harmony for Mental Wellness during COVID-19 Pandemic" Project, funded by Phase 2 of the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme (Project Reference Number: MHI2_0005).

鳴謝:此展覽由精神健康諮詢委員會統籌的第二期精神健康項目資助計劃資助,為科大學生輔導中心 "Empowering Family Harmony for Mental Wellness during COVID-19 Pandemic" 項目的一部分。