
What is a Third Place?

Shared ideas here about how to create a "third place" for your school community in the library. Post your floor plan, or a link to it. Check out these definitions.

Library as Place

Digital Library as a Third Place

Third Place (Wikipedia)

Map Creation Tools


Floor Plan

Monarch Library in 2006

Made using OmniGraffle

(Will upload the current configuration soon...)

Crisafulli Elementary School

Library Layout Lauded - Westford, MA Patch

East Lansdowne Elementary

I am having a problem with the library layout- there is just not enough room. I have carved out a space between shelving for a story area, and I am waiting for a nice carpet. But, the table area is crowded, even without the 25-29 5th graders in the chairs. The library office space has been taken over by counselors, OT, PT, etc, so I need a work area too. How small can I reasonably make the tables and chairs to accomodate K-6?

Our space is quite small too, so we don't even have tables, just a rug area. I would like to start doing activities but will have to use clipboards.

Westwood Elementary

I had a space problem last year as well. My teaching area has a SmartBoard, but I felt the area was too small for tables AND chairs, and I needed the chair sizes to accommodate Prek-5th graders. The library tables were on the other side of the library, and transitioning to them with 35 first graders was CHAOS!! To remedy this issue, I built 6 large coffee tables for students to sit at during lessons. I realized that sitting at coffee tables is comfortable for students, because it allows freedom of movement within a designated table space. We practice sitting expectations for the tables at the beginning of the year. These have been LIFESAVERS, and have cut down on transition times and chaos. (Erin Wahpekeche)

Floor Plans.pdf