My Related Experiences

I completed a Research Experience for Teachers (RET) over the summer of 2022. I was challenged to complete a research project by working with an in-service teacher and translating the research topic into a lesson plan that could be understood by middle school students.

My research project for the RET was also the beginning part of my Major Qualifying Project (MQP - a project-based WPI graduation requirement). The research experience took inspiration from the UN sustainable development goals. The goal of focus for my research was "good health and well-being". I was placed under the advisement of Professor Scarlet Shell and the graduate students in her lab. The Shell Lab's focus is tuberculosis research. I was tasked to genetically engineer a recombinant plasmid to develop a live-dead reporter system in Mycobacterium smegmatis a model organism for tuberculosis.

I translated this experience into a lesson plan that could be adapted to middle school science. I developed a lesson where students will be tasked to complete a Case Study on Tuberculosis and Antibiotic Resistance. The goal of the lesson is to allow students to make the connection that science translated directly to the world that they live in, and the decisions that are made in it. There are opportunities for extension into the other UNSDGs and other global science issues.

Prior to completing my practicum, I completed both my pre-practicum I and pre-practicum II.

I completed my pre-practicum I hours as a program assistant for one of the summer camps WPI offers. I tutored social sciences, for high school students who were participating in the camp to earn college credit. I also was in charge of co-leading a small group of students. In this group I planned a variety of activities and different destress events for the kids, appealing to all different likes, dislikes, and backgrounds.

I completed my pre-practicum II experience by delivering a science lesson at Girls Inc. in Worcester. This lesson was meant to be a fun and engaging after-school activity, but still, teach the content. The theme of the experience was "spooky science" so the lesson plan had to have a Halloween theme. I developed a lesson on the importance of constraints in design. The students were given the problem of having to build a bridge with a limited budget. They had to plan how to spend their money, and decide what materials and design concepts would work best for supporting the pumpkin people of the town. This lesson plan was successful in engaging the students, as well as teaching them how in the design process you have to consider many different factors.

While completing my practicum I took the lead in starting a club on campus for WPI students interested in the field of education.

The club which was given the name "Inspiring and Developing Educators Association (IDEA)" is a place for all students to come together and have conversations, and complete community outreach projects. I set up and ran meetings, as well as planned activities for students to experience different school environments, and talk to educators and administrators at a variety of different schools in the area.