My WPI Education

I am receiving a bachelor's degree in Biology and Biotechnology from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. This provides me with the scientific background that I need to be successful in teaching middle school general science (5-8). In addition to my required Biology Courses, I took a series of calculus, chemistry, and physics courses to better support my subject matter knowledge.

I also took a series of teaching methods courses, and seminars to make myself a successful educator. One of these teaching methods classes was called "Teaching Methods in Mathematics and Science" in this class I completed my pre-practicum observations and learned the importance of classroom management and well-structured lesson plans. I took a Sheltered English Immersion class to get endorsed in SEI instruction. This taught me the importance of making accommodations for different levels of students and reinforced the importance of Differentiated Instruction.

In addition, while completing my practicum I completed a project-based course at WPI along with a seminar. This allowed me to research different areas of education, share my own experiences in the classroom and receive direct applicable feedback. I also was able to learn and apply important education theories, such as UBD, and UDL to my lesson plans. I got to do a lot of work on implementing choice boards for assessments which I am fond of to support my differentiated instruction, an example of this can be found in the appendix of this portfolio.