Safe Learning Environment

Safe Learning Environment: "Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented."

How did I do this:

One thing that was incredibly important to me to teach students is that grades do not define them as a person. If you can alleviate the stress on them to be perfect they are more confident and are able to often perform better. To do this I often demonstrated that mistakes were okay and that they were a part of learning. To do this I called attention to mistakes I made, took ownership of them, solved the problem or fixed the mistake, learning from it and moving on. This shows children that no one, not even their teacher can be perfect all the time.

Another phrase I used a lot in class was "share the air" since we do a lot of collaborative group work I wanted to make sure that all students felt as though their voices and ideas were important. This meant that the outspoken kids needed to make space in discussion for students that did not want to jump right in, and understand that everyone works, thinks, and speaks differently. This also teaches them very valuable listening skills that are important for them to have going forward.

I also think an area where I shine in my teaching is my ability to form relationships with my students and understand them as people. This mutual respect we are able to build allows them to feel safe in being themselves and taking risks in the classroom.

From the survey that I gave my students, I compiled all of the questions regarding the environment into a visual. As seen a majority of the students felt the environment of my classroom was one where they were welcomed and where they belong.