Adjustments to Practice

Adjustments to Practice: "Analyzes results from a variety of assessments to determine progress toward intended outcomes and uses these findings to adjust practice and identify and/or implement differentiated interventions and enhancements for students."

How I did this:

I adjusted my practice by reflecting on things as they were happening and changing them as they needed to be changed instead of waiting. To do this I include a number of ways for formative assessment during class whether it be modeling concepts, in-class discussions, or watching students complete an investigation. I also listen to students when they tell me something is not working for them or they need more support on certain things so I can scaffold those into my lessons. I also was able to utilize summative assessments to gauge their overall understanding of a unit or topic and see if any concepts or skills needed to be worked into the next unit. I also refer back to their driving question boards that they came up with to check in on what they have learned and made progress towards, this helps me to see what questions they still want to learn, and what questions they still might need clarification on. I also used a progress tracker which was largely helpful for me to immediately correct any misconceptions. After each lesson, students would write 1-2 sentences about what they learned or what their takeaway was, and they could then use this as study material for quizzes or tests.