Home and School Communication

The school makes every effort to communicate with parents about students' progress and keep them informed and updated about the upcoming events.  Common communication channels are available such as the school website, EIS official Line group, calendar, publications, and emails or phone calls.  

Each homeroom class will have a Line group for quick and easy communication. These groups will be formed at the beginning of the school year.

Channel and Procedures for Communication

In the event of any concerns pertaining to your child, we recommend initiating communication with your child's homeroom teacher as a primary point of contact. Whether the issue pertains to academics, behavior, or other student-related matters, addressing it directly with the homeroom teacher is the initial step in seeking resolution.


You may reach out to your child's homeroom teacher through various channels, such as a direct Line message, phone call, or email, depending on your preference and convenience. Should you desire a more in-depth discussion, either over the phone or through a face-to-face meeting, we kindly request that you schedule an appointment at a mutually agreeable time when both you and the homeroom teacher are available for a productive conversation.


Should you wish to get in contact with our  guidance counselor to seek advice regarding your child, we encourage you to reach out via the the following email: piangruthaij@eis.ac.th


Rest assured that our counselor is committed to providing timely and valuable support, and we look forward to assisting you in any way we can. 

Parents should contact the Principal only if solutions are not being resolved after going through the channels mentioned above. However, if there are concerns that directly affect the whole Kindergarten, parents may contact the Principal via the following email: kprincipal@eis.ac.th