Leadership education 4


  • Leadership Education, U.S. Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (MCJROTC)

Course Title:

  • Leadership Education 4 (LE4)


  • Completed L.E.1 , L.E.2 , L.E.3 .

Length of Course:

  • 1 year


  • 1 credit; cadet must complete the full year to earn any credits (qualifies for P.E. and performing arts credits required for graduation).

Grade Levels:

  • 12

Brief Description of Course:

  • LE-4 focuses on advanced leadership training and application, building on the academics and experiences of LE1 thru LE3 with continued emphasis on self-discipline, setting the example, physical fitness and health, drill and ceremonies, and United States Marine Corps history, traditions and standards of conduct. Higher level command roles and responsibility.

LE-4s will experience:

  • Expand on leadership knowledge through application

  • The finer details of Leadership

  • Establishing and management of timelines and calendar

  • Listening skills

  • Counseling skills

  • Conflict resolution

  • Public speaking

  • Preparing / teaching classes

  • Current events / Media biases

  • Great American/patriots and their contributions

Lesson Plan: