leadership traits and principles

Leadership Traits

J - Justice: Being impartial and fair.

J - Judgement: Using facts to make sound decisions.

D - Decisiveness: Ability to reach sound decisions in a timely manner.

I - Integrity: Complete truth and honesty

D - Dependability: Completing assigned tasks completely.

T - Tact: The ability to deal with others without causing offense. 

I - Initiative: Seeing what needs to be done and getting it done without being told to

E - Enthusiasm: Sincere interest in performing a task.

B - Bearing: Creating a favorable impression, appearance. 

U - Unselfishness: Placing the welfare of your subordinates ahead of your own

C - Courage: Mental quality that recognizes fear of danger or criticism.

K - Knowledge:  Learning information.

L - Loyalty: Faithfulness to your organization and yourself

E - Endurance: Mental and physical strength

Leadership Principles

K - Know Yourself and Seek Self Improvement: This principle of leadership should be developed by the use of leadership traits. Evaluate yourself by using the leadership traits and determine your strengths and weaknesses. 

K - Know Your Cadets and Look Out For Their Welfare: A leader must make a conscientious effort to observe his/her cadets and how they react to different situations. 

B - Be Technically and Tactically Proficient: A person who knows their job thoroughly and possesses a wide field of knowledge. Before you can lead, you must be able to do the job. 

M - Make Sound and Timely Decisions: The leader must be able to rapidly estimate a situation and make a sound decision based on that estimation. 

E - Employ Your Command within its Capabilities: A leader must have a thorough knowledge of the tactical and technical capabilities of the command. Successful completion of a task depends upon how well you know your unit’s capabilities. 

T - Train Your Subordinates as a Team: As a leader, you must insist on teamwork from your cadets. Train, play, and operate as a team. Be sure that each cadet knows his/her position and responsibilities within the team framework.

S - Set The Example: A leader who shows professional competence, courage and integrity sets high personal standards for him/herself before he can rightfully demand it from others. 

K - Keep Your Personnel Informed: To promote efficiency and morale, a leader should inform the cadet in his/her unit of all happenings and give reasons why things are to be done.

E - Ensure That the Task Is Understood, Supervised, and Accomplished: Leaders must give clear, concise orders that cannot be misunderstood, and then by close supervision, ensure that these orders are properly executed. 

D - Develop a Sense of Responsibility Among Your Subordinates: Give your cadets them the opportunity for professional development. Assigning tasks and delegating authority promotes mutual confidence and respect between leader and subordinates. 

S - Seek Responsibilities and Take Responsibility: For professional development, you must actively seek out challenging assignments. You must use initiative and sound judgment when trying to accomplish jobs that are required by your grade.