Leadership education 2


  • Leadership Education, U.S. Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (MCJROTC)

Course Title:

  • Leadership Education 2 (LE-2)


  • Must complete LE-1

Length of Course:

  • 1 year


  • 1 credits; cadet must complete the full year to earn any credits (qualifies for P.E. credits required for graduation).

Grade Levels:

  • 10 through 12

Brief Description of Course:

  • LE- studies each subject area of MCJROTC in greater detail, building up from the foundation laid by LE1. The focus is on character development and ethics, and leadership theory, style and principles, with continued emphasis on self-discipline, physical fitness and health, drill and ceremonies, and United States Marine Corps history, traditions and standards of conduct.

Lesson plan: