Team Exercise


Read each statement once. Indicate whether you (A) agree or (D) disagree with each statement.


As a team, discuss your individual answers and then reach consensus (agreement) on whether you agree or disagree with each statement. (You can change the wording of the statements in order to reach agreement.)

      1. A Team Member should say everything s/he is thinking and feeling.
      2. A Team Member should give feedback only when it's asked for.
      3. Sometimes it's better to just withdraw from the discussion rather than fight.
      4. A Team Member should stick to his/her opinion of what's right no matter what other's do.
      5. Negotiating agreement is always possible.
      6. Conflict should never get emotional or personal.
      7. It is possible for a Team Member to be too agreable.
      8. Team cohesiveness is more important than anything else.
      9. Peer appraisals only lead to conflict.
      10. When a Team Member is asked to do something s/he doesn't want to do, s/he should do it anyway.
      11. Conflict can be exciting, creative, and fun.
      12. A Team Member should never take the side of someone outside of the Team over a Team member.
      13. It is impossible to have a good relationship with everyone on the Team.
      14. There is less conflict with people you trust.
      15. Team Members have less conflict when they do not socialize outside of work.
      16. A Team Member should always support the consensus decisions made by the Team.
      17. Understanding is more important than agreement.
      18. Some members of a Team will just never get along.
      19. Conflict is totally unproductive.
      20. Beware of reaching agreements too easily and quickly.
      21. The Team Leadert Facilitator need to settle all conflicts.
      22. The Team needs to develop ground rules for handling conflicts.