Chapter 8


/*  File: avgfile.c
    This program reads exam scores from a file and processes them to
    find the average, the maximum, and the minimum.  */
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100
float proc_aray(int ex[], int lim, int *pmax, int *pmin);
{   int max, min, n, lim = 0, exam_scores[MAX];
    char infile[15];
    float avg;
    FILE * inp;

    printf("***Exam Scores: Average, Maximum, Minimum***\n\n");
    printf("Input File: ");
    scanf("%s", infile);
    inp = fopen(infile, "r");
    if (!inp) {
         printf("Unable to open input file\n");
    while (lim < MAX && fscanf(inp, "%d", &n) != EOF)
         exam_scores[lim++] = n;
    if (lim == 0) exit(0);
    avg = proc_aray(exam_scores, lim, &max, &min);
    printf("Average = %f, Maximum = %d, Minimum = %d\n",
              avg, max, min);

/*  This function computes the average of an array, the maximum and
    the minimum. Average is returned, the others are indirectly
    stored in the calling function.  */
float proc_aray(int ex[], int lim, int *pmax, int *pmin)
{   int i, max, min;
    float sum = 0.0;

    max = min = ex[0];
    for (i = 0; i < lim; i++) {
         sum += ex[i];
         max = ex[i] > max ? ex[i] : max;
         min = ex[i] < min ? ex[i] : min;
    *pmax = max;
    *pmin = min;
    return sum / lim;


  /* File: card.c
          Program draws a card each time from a full deck of 52 cards.
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <math.h>

     #define CLUB 0
     #define DIAMOND 1
     #define HEART 2
     #define SPADE 3

     #define ACE 1
     #define JACK 11
     #define QUEEN 12
     #define KING 13

     {    int i, d1, card, suit;

          printf("***Single Card Draw Program***\n\n");
          printf("Type a random unsigned integer to start: ");
          scanf("%d", &i);
          srand(i);                /* seed the random number generator */
          for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
               d1 = rand() % 52;        /* draw a card                 */
               suit = d1 / 13;          /* find the suit 0,1,2,3       */
               card = d1 % 13 + 1;      /* find the card 1, 2, ..., 13 */

               switch (suit) {          /* print suit                  */
                    case CLUB: printf("Club "); break;
                    case DIAMOND:  printf("Diamond "); break;
                    case HEART: printf("Heart "); break;
                    case SPADE: printf("Spade "); break;
               switch (card) {         /* print the card within a suit */
                    case ACE: printf("Ace"); break;
                    case JACK: printf("Jack"); break;
                    case QUEEN: printf("Queen"); break;
                    case KING: printf("King"); break;
                    default: printf("%d", card);


     /*  File: ccopy.c
         This program copies an input file to an output file one
         character at a time. Standard files are not allowed.
     #include <stdio.h>

     {   FILE *input, *output;
         char infile[15], outfile[15];
         signed char ch;

         printf("***File Copy Program - Character I/O***\n\n");
         printf("Input file : ");
         scanf("%s", infile);
         printf("Output file : ");
         scanf("%s", outfile);

         input = fopen(infile, "r");
         if (input == NULL) {
              printf("*** Can't open input file ***\n");

         output = fopen(outfile, "w");
         if (output == NULL) {
              printf("*** Can't open output file ***\n");

         while ((ch = getc(input)) != EOF)
              putc(ch, output);
         printf("File copy completed\n");


     /* File: cntdigits.c
         This program reads characters from a file stream and counts the
         number of occurrences of each digit.
     #define MAX 10
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <ctype.h>      /* for isdigit() */
         int digit_freq[MAX],i;
         signed char ch;
         FILE * fin;

         printf("***Digit Occurrence Counter***\n\n");
         /* initialize the array */
         for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
              digit_freq[i] = 0;

         fin = fopen("test.doc", "r");      /* open input file */
         if (!fin) {                        /* if fin is a NULL pointer */
              printf("Unable to open input file: test.doc\n");
              exit(0);                      /* exit program */

         while ((ch = getc(fin)) != EOF) {  /* read a character into ch */
              if (isdigit(ch))              /* if ch is a digit */
                   digit_freq[ch - '0']++;  /* increment count for digit ch */

         /* summarize */
         for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
              printf("There are %d occurrences of %d in the input\n",


    /* File: dice.c
          Program throws a single dice repeatedly.
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <math.h>

     {    int i, d1;

          printf("***Single Dice Throw Program***\n\n");
          printf("Type a random unsigned integer to start: ");
          scanf("%d", &i);

          for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
               d1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
               printf("throw = %d\n", d1);


/*   File: ident.c
     Program reads characters one at a time until EOF. It prints out
     each identifier in the input text and counts the total number of
     identifiers. It ignores white space except as a delimiter for an
     identifier. An identifier starts with an alphabetic letter and may be
     followed by any number of letters or digits. All other characters are
     considered illegal.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

{    int cnt = 0;
     signed char c;

     printf("***Print Identifiers***\n\n");
     printf("Type text, terminate with EOF ^Z or ^D)\n");
     c = getchar();
     while (c != EOF) {
          while (isspace(c))            /* skip leading white space   */
               c = getchar();

          if (isalpha(c)) {         /* if a word starts with a letter */
               while (isalnum(c)) {     /* while c is letter or digit */
                    putchar(c);         /* print c                    */
                    c = getchar();      /* read next char             */
               putchar('\n');        /* end identifier with a newline */
               cnt++;                   /* increment cnt              */

          else if (c == EOF)            /* if end of file             */
               break;                   /* break out of loop          */

          else {                  /* otherwise, it is an illegal char */
               printf("Illegal character %c\n", c);
               c = getchar();
     printf("Number of Identifiers = %d\n", cnt);


     /* File: rand.c
          Program uses random number generator to print some random
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <math.h>
     {    int i;
          int x;

          for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
               x = rand();
               printf("%d\n", x);


     /*   File sqrt3.c
          Program computes and prints square roots of numbers randomly
     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <math.h>

     {    int i;
          double x;

          printf("***Square Root Program - Random Numbers***\n\n");
          for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
               x = rand();
               printf("Sq.Rt. of %f is %f\n", x, sqrt(x));