
/*  File:        guess.c
    Programmer:  Tep Dobry
    login:       tep

/*  This module is responsible for overseeing the entire program; invoking
the other modules as appropriate. It is the module allowing the
user to play the game repeatedly.

#include <stdio.h>
#include "guess.h"
#include "play.h"
#include "tfdef.h"

#define DEBUG

{  int keep_playing = TRUE;  /* do we keep playing?  initially true.  */
   int hidden_number;        /* the picked random number              */

  /*  Introduce the game                                  */
  printf("\n\n\t\tWelcome to the Guessing Game\n");

  /*  While the player wants to keep playing              */
  while( keep_playing )
  {  /*  pick a random number between START and STOP */
    hidden_number = PICK(START,STOP);

    /*  introduce the play                          */
    printf("\nI'm thinking of a number between %d "
      "and %d\nCan you guess it?\n\n",START,STOP);
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("debug:main:the pick is %d\n",hidden_number);

    /*  play the game                               */

    /*  ask the player if they want to continue     */
    printf("\nDo you want to play again?\n");
    printf("(1 for yes, 0 for no): ");
    scanf("%d", &keep_playing);

  /*  say goodbye                                         */
  printf("\nThanks for the game.... bye...\n");