What is EduTrip VR?

We are the solution to virtual reality in schools.

The Problems with Implementing VR Learning Experiences in Schools

Despite clear benefits to students that could be realized through access to VR technology, it remains out of reach to most Canadian classrooms.

  • Buying VR headsets is cost prohibitive for schools and school districts. Companies that supply VR experiences to schools are typically interested in selling kits of VR headsets directly to schools or school districts.

  • VR experiences in the community do not always align with curricular standards and involve all of the typical logistical challenges of a traditional field trip (transportation costs and disruption to student timetables).

  • Implementing VR in the classroom involves a steep learning curve for teachers as well as costly and time-consuming professional development.

  • Institutions like museums who are currently exploring ways provide access to their collections through VR do not have a streamlined systems for providing off-site VR experiences to schools without access to VR technology.

The Solution: EduTrip VR!

Source: Pexels.com

EduTrip VR is the solution to making virtual reality learning experiences widely available in Canadian classrooms for grades 5-9! We enable classrooms to take part in VR experiences without the staggering upfront expense of purchasing VR equipment. Classroom teachers will be able to book a VR field trip on an expanding number of topics through our website and will have access to short and meaningful units of study and assignments relating to their VR experience. VR headsets will be delivered to the school and can be kept for up to a week, or longer depending on the number of classes participating. Teachers will take part in a half-hour virtual session on how to use the headsets with their class and will have access to technical support throughout the process. Classrooms will be charged on a per student basis and costs will be similar to those of an average field trip. The cost of an EduTrip VR experience can be charged to parents in a way that is similar to traditional field trips or it can be shared by the school or Parent Advisory Council.

Our VR experiences could include:

  • Navigating an ancient city or historical village site

  • Exploring art galleries or museums across the globe

  • Tours of cities in the target language for the language learning classroom

  • 3D virtual art creation

  • Virtual dissections

  • Travel to different ecosystems to view the impacts of climate change

Our goal is to allow every student the chance access virtual reality experiences as part of their learning. Our program builds student enthusiasm and engagement in topics through unique curriculum-aligned virtual reality experiences, as well as easily implemented units of study to be used in the classroom before and after the VR experience. In addition to producing our own unique VR content and units, we plan to partner with museums and community groups offering VR experiences to help them share these with students in a classroom setting.

We transform the roadblocks to rolling out VR in the classroom into solutions!

Cost prohibitive VR equipment purchasing?

Logistical challenges accessing VR equipment in the community?

Costly and time-consuming proffesional development for teachers learning to implement VR?

Museums unable to provide off-site technical capability to schools in order to access their VR collections?

VR headsets loaned out to schools for captivating VR experiences!

Engaging VR experiences delivered right to the classroom!

A practical 30 minute teacher training session is included with every EduTrip VR package!

We team up with museums and community groups to allow for streamlined access to and implementation of their unique VR experiences.

Source of images: Pexels.com