Financials and Investment Opportunities


Pricing Model

EduTrip VR pricing is similar to that of a mid-range field trip. It is priced at $30 per student if booked for an individual classroom. After the first couple of years we will be able to offer discounted prices for larger bookings from school boards or for multiple classrooms in the same building. This pricing keeps us competitive with other field trip and in-school presentation opportunities. It is affordable for public schools, while being enticing for private schools who could afford their own VR headsets but do not want to take on the inconvenience of managing their integration with the curriculum, VR specific professional development for teachers, and upkeep of the technology.


EduTrip VR experiences will be marketed directly to schools and school boards through teacher newsletters and district departments responsible for providing teachers with information on educational opportunities related to technology. We will also market through online teacher groups on social media platforms, as well as education fairs and conferences.




Our financials reflect our commitment to developing original VR content for classrooms with new experiences becoming available every year. They also take into account the cost of integrating VR experiences from museums around the world into our platform for use by schools. We aim to be cash flow break even by year three. Once the company is well established in the Metro Vancouver area, we can expand through franchising opportunities to other major cities in Canada.


An Opportunity for Investors!

We are looking for a total investment of $400,000 over two years.

Year 1- $250,000 investment

Year 2- $150,000 investment

Over a 10 year period, reasonable projections indicate that we will be able to provide investors with a 20% rate of return on their initial capital investment.