Benefits of FlipGrid:

- Allows students an opportunity to practice speaking

- Allows students an opportunity to practice listening

- Allows students an opportunity to practice listening and then speaking a reply

- Takes the pressure off of in front presentations- more authentic presentation where

students aren't as nervous allows for their true ability to come through

- Recorded responses are saved so that you can grade them.

-Opportunity to create an e-portfolio of their speaking ability from multiple videos

Other ideas for FlipGrid in the Spanish classroom:

- Have students discuss an idea, concept, or belief in Spanish

- Having students review their Spanish speaking video and critique themselves in English

- Posting a response to a peer in Spanish about what was discussed


- Self evaluation (what did I do well at and what do I still need to work on?)

- Reading a story aloud

- Class presentations

- Spoken vocabulary with hand motions

FlipGrid Extension activity

Extension activity using Newsela Spanish Text Sets and FlipGrid:

  • Day 1- Have students choose an article written in Spanish
  • Day 2- In Spanish, students will write a summary or a response about what they think about the concepts from their article in Spanish
  • Day 3- Students will record their summary/response in Spanish on FlipGrid focusing on correct pronunciation, body language, and clear speaking
  • Day 4- Students will watch and listen to other people's videos from day 3 and leave a response in Spanish about what they're saying.