Students' Feedback Analysis

Here is the analysis on feedbacks we received from the talk titled "Publishing in Renowned Indexed Journals: Tips for Postgraduate Students" held on 9th November 2020.

The talk title was “Publishing in Renowned Indexed Journals: Tips for Postgraduate Students”. The talk was held for about 2 hours via Webex online conferencing on November 9th, 2020. The invited speaker was Associate Professor Dr. Md Mahmudul Alam, Senior Lecturer in Finance, School of Economics, Finance and Banking, UUM. The speaker has a good reputation in publications with h-index 54 on Google Scholar. The total number of participants was 97. At the end of the talk, we asked participants to fill up the feedback from we prepared using Google Forms. The number of feedbacks we successfully collected was 35. The following is the analysis on the feedbacks.

Overall, 90% of the respondents said that the objectives of the program were met while 88% agreed that the speaker was engaged with the participants during the talk. 94% respondents said that the materials were relevant to the topics discussed. More than 90% of the respondents admitted that the preparation is good and the content of the talk was well-organised. 68% respondents agreed that the length of the talk was appropriate while 80% said that the pace was appropriate.

When also asked about what the most useful things they obtained from the talk using open ended questions. These are some of their replies:

“All especially fake journal/publications”

“All ideas shared are useful for me”

“Content and material”

“Speaker’s knowledge on the subject matter”

“Sources for publication”

“How to publish articles and focus on the quality not quantity”

“To choose the right journal and article”

“I have learned about strategies to publish”

“Need patience during PhD”

Based on these replies, I can conclude that the speaker was well prepared and he significantly transferred some useful information/knowledge/experience sharing to the participants.

We also asked the respondents about what the least useful things about the talk were. The followings are some of their replies:

“I think Assoc Prof talk about ethics too much instead to the topic”

“show more slides”

“intro part about writing style”

Most of them said no to this question and only three participants raised the issue about the speaker talked too much on the ethics.

Finally, we asked additional comments from the participants as follows:

“Pls make some exciting slots like quiz and so on”

“Fully of Philosophy, guide and motivation”

“Most overall in this event, I got that we need work hard and always concentrate on finishing the writing.”

“good dan complete presentation”

“thank you Prof and organizer”

Overall, I think the speaker has given a fantastic talk to the students. I hope the students benefit a lot from the things shared by the speaker. I pray that they will be successfull in their postgraduate studies.