Interview Session

First Interview

The first session involved 1 PHD student and 1 Master's student from School of Business Management. The interview as conducted using Webex application. The recording can be watched using this link:

Second Interview

The second session involved 2 students from School of Accounting (TISSA). It as conducted using WhatsApp application.

Primary Data (Raw Data From Respondents)

10/29/20, 09:40 - Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can read or listen to them. Tap to learn more.

10/29/20, 09:40 - You created group "Interview"

10/29/20, 09:40 - rusniza: Assalam dibah and wawa.

10/29/20, 09:41 - rusniza: soalan buat based on yg ni

Common issues/challenges faced by PHD students

Time management

Relationship with supervisors


Writing the thesis

Lonely journey

Outside commitments (family)

Financial/funding issue

Work-life balance

Concern about future career

10/29/20, 09:41 - rusniza: Antara masalah2 ni.. Apa yg paling mengganggu hampa

10/29/20, 09:54 - Wawa: Nak rank ka?

10/29/20, 09:54 - rusniza: boleh juga..

10/29/20, 09:54 - Wawa: Ok

10/29/20, 09:54 - rusniza: lagi satu masalah writing untuk penerbitan..

10/29/20, 09:55 - rusniza: ada formal training untuk menulis ke jurnal berindeks?

10/29/20, 09:58 - Wawa: soalan buat based on yg ni

Common issues/challenges faced by PHD students

Time management 1

Relationship with supervisors 5

Persistence/perseverance/motivation 2

Writing the thesis 4

Lonely journey 8

Outside commitments (family) 6

Financial/funding issue 9

Work-life balance 3

Concern about future career 7

10/29/20, 09:59 - Wawa: Utk org yg bukan dlm education line.. Publication not an issue

10/29/20, 09:59 - Wawa: Tp utk korang.. Utmost important

10/29/20, 09:59 - rusniza: allright, how about knowledge to write an academic thesis?

10/29/20, 10:00 - rusniza: mean, academic writing

10/29/20, 10:00 - Wawa: Jawapan based on my current situation

10/29/20, 10:00 - Wawa: Yes.. A problem to me

10/29/20, 10:01 - Wawa: Boleh rank no. 2A

10/29/20, 10:02 - Wawa: Time mgt dgn work life balance almost similar

10/29/20, 10:03 - rusniza: ok, if we were to organise on writing tips, interested?

10/29/20, 10:03 - rusniza: so its quite a big problem kan for writing

10/29/20, 10:04 - Wawa: Bagus.. Utk basic on how to write.. Tp tak sesungguhnya apply bila kerja

10/29/20, 10:04 - Wawa: But utk mgt level.. Sgt penting

10/29/20, 10:05 - Wawa: Kerja maksud aku kalau jd auditor

10/29/20, 10:05 - rusniza: ok faham2.

10/29/20, 10:05 - Wawa: Dibah di mana kamu

10/29/20, 10:05 - rusniza: for future maybe kena pakai academic writing

10/29/20, 10:05 - rusniza: dibah balik umah mak dia.. line sgt kurang

10/29/20, 10:06 - Wawa: Academic writing in detail plz chik?

10/29/20, 10:06 - rusniza: tq Wa for nswering

10/29/20, 10:06 - rusniza: mcm writing thesis n jurnal

10/29/20, 10:06 - Wawa: Nak aku share dgn org yg plan nak sambung phd dak?

10/29/20, 10:06 - Wawa: Boleh dpt view diorg

10/29/20, 10:06 - rusniza: apa yg perlu ada utk academic ariting, apa yg reader nak tengok

10/29/20, 10:07 - Wawa: Purpose writing is to get fulfill reader's need?

10/29/20, 10:07 - rusniza: wa tambah dlm soalan tu academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 10:07 - rusniza: yep, ikut kehendak bidang

10/29/20, 10:08 - Wawa: Ok faham

10/29/20, 10:09 - rusniza: You deleted this message

10/29/20, 10:09 - rusniza: Common issues/challenges faced by PHD students

Time management 1

Relationship with supervisors 5

Persistence/perseverance/motivation 2

Writing the thesis 4

Lonely journey 8

Outside commitments (family) 6

Financial/funding issue 9

Work-life balance 3

Concern about future career 7

academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 10:10 - rusniza: Common issues/challenges faced by PHD students

Time management

Relationship with supervisors


Writing the thesis 4

Lonely journey 8

Outside commitments (family)

Financial/funding issue

Work-life balance

Concern about future career

academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 10:11 - rusniza: minta depa rank sat benda ni

10/29/20, 10:11 - rusniza: if ada chanllenges lain boleh tambah wa

10/29/20, 10:15 - rusniza: If you are a supervisor for a postgraduate student, what advice will you give to the student?

10/29/20, 10:16 - Wawa: Ok dh wassup.. Nti depa respond, aku fwd kat sini

10/29/20, 10:23 - Wawa:

5. Time management

3. Relationship with supervisors

1. Persistence/perseverance/motivation

2. Writing the thesis

4. Lonely journey

7. Outside commitments (family)

9. Financial/funding issue

8. Work-life balance

10. Concern about future career

6. Academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 10:23 - Wawa: Resource difficulties - data / reference

10/29/20, 10:24 - Wawa: Feedback 1- kak kin

10/29/20, 10:24 - Wawa: Resources ni dia nk rank no. 2

10/29/20, 10:25 - Wawa: While completing her master thesis, susah sungguh nk dpt data yg sesuai.. Komen k. Kin

10/29/20, 10:41 - Wawa:

1) Persistence perseverance n motivation

2) Lonely journey

3) relationship with supervisor

4) Writing thesis

5) time management

6) outside commitment

7) financial funding issue

8) work life balance

9) concern abt future career

10) academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 10:41 - Wawa: Feedback 2 - lim

10/29/20, 10:42 - Wawa: Time management - nie attitude really issue

Relationship with supervisors (rank 2)

Persistence/perseverance/motivation (rank 4)

Writing the thesis ( rank 1)

Lonely journey

Outside commitments (family) (rank 3)

Financial/funding issue (rank 6, kalo scholarship...could be 2, kali owned funding)

Work-life balance (rank 5)

Concern about future career

Academic writing knowledge (rank 1_sama mcm writing thesis kan)

10/29/20, 10:43 - Wawa: Feedback 3- k. Lina.. Yg ni ada condition skit

10/29/20, 10:47 - Wawa: Common issues/challenges faced by PHD / future PHD students

Time management - 1

Relationship with supervisors - 2

Persistence/perseverance/motivation - 3

Writing the thesis - 5

Lonely journey - 7

Outside commitments (family) - 10

Financial/funding issue - 9

Work-life balance - 6

Concern about future career - 8

Academic writing knowledge – 4

10/29/20, 10:48 - Wawa: Feedback 3-kak su (tgh pursue phd but stuck dgn kerja

10/29/20, 11:21 - Dibah Phd Poli: Common issues/challenges faced by PHD students

5. Time management

9. Relationship with supervisors

1. Persistence/perseverance/motivation

4. Writing the thesis

2. Lonely journey

6. Outside commitments (family)

10. Financial/funding issue

7. Work-life balance

8. Concern about future career

3. academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 11:21 - Dibah Phd Poli: Mcm ka

10/29/20, 11:21 - Dibah Phd Poli: Eh mcm ni ka

10/29/20, 11:24 - rusniza: ok tu...

10/29/20, 11:25 - rusniza: tq wawa n dibah

10/29/20, 11:25 - rusniza: for the input

10/29/20, 11:27 - Wawa: Kalau buat partime, time mgt akan jd 1st issue

10/29/20, 11:28 - Wawa: No poblem

10/29/20, 11:28 - Dibah Phd Poli: Actually semua nak letak no 1

10/29/20, 11:28 - Dibah Phd Poli: <Media omitted>

10/29/20, 11:29 - Dibah Phd Poli: Saya perlukan motivation sekarang...😔

10/29/20, 11:29 - Dibah Phd Poli: Nak bt tp x bt

10/29/20, 11:36 - Wawa: Assalamualaikum kak.. Nak minta bantuan utk rank the common issues utk PHD/ future PHD student..

Common issues/challenges faced by PHD / future PHD students

2 Time management

4 Relationship with supervisors

8 Persistence/perseverance/motivation

7 Writing the thesis

6 Lonely journey

1 Outside commitments (family)

5 Financial/funding issue

9 Work-life balance

10 Concern about future career

3 Academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 11:37 - Wawa: Feedback 4-kak jah (dh jd Dr dh.. Alhamdulillah

10/29/20, 13:28 - rusniza: Revisit big why kenapa buat PhD

10/29/20, 13:32 - rusniza: Wow tahniah..

10/29/20, 14:38 - Dibah Phd Poli: Nk fwd ke kengkawan ke

10/29/20, 14:42 - rusniza: Boleh juag

10/29/20, 14:42 - rusniza: Juga

10/29/20, 15:00 - Wawa: Hi kelly.. Need ur help to rank d following issue.. Helping my fren for her study.. Tqtq

Common issues/challenges faced by PHD / future PHD students

1.Time management

6. Relationship with supervisors

3. Persistence/perseverance/motivation

Writing the thesis

9. Lonely journey

4. Outside commitments (family)

8. Financial/funding issue

5. Work-life balance

2. Concern about future career

7. Academic writing knowledge

10/29/20, 15:00 - Wawa: Feedback 5-kelly

10/29/20, 15:16 - rusniza: Kadang kita divide keja kita tu into "big chunks" sgt, so bila kita nak buat kita rasa perlukan masa yg panjang nak buat. Bila x cukup masa kita demotivated utk buat kena tu

10/29/20, 15:17 - rusniza: Sbb dok rs kalau duduk buat pun takkan habis

10/29/20, 15:17 - rusniza: So divide into small chunks.. Nmpak mudah n achievable

10/29/20, 15:47 - Dibah Phd Poli: InshaAllah..