Mission Statement

East Central Indiana Hamfest Mission Statement

As an Amateur Radio Organization started by numerous local club members, we strive to promote the amateur radio hobby by bringing vendors, organizations, youth groups, and the general public to our annual event and provide an opportunity for many new learning experiences.

We offer all classes of amateur radio license testing to further promote the hobby, when possible. We actively engage youth involvement though the local Scout chapter and the 4-H Club.

The original concept of the East Central Indiana Hamfest was as a tailgater for the local clubs and hams in 2019 and has since grown to a full-fledged hamfest. We are encouraged by the positive response and will continue to push forward in our endeavors to make the ECI Hamfest more successful each year.

We attract organizations and vendors first and foremost by providing an environment that attracts people. We make spaces, admission, and parking free to attract local attendees, as well as those from a distance. We do count on your donations and door prize ticket sales for help in funding our event.

Centrally located within easy driving distance from many of the larger cities including Indianapolis and Fort Wayne, we have even attracted visitors from more distant cities such as Chicago and Cincinnati.

We invite all of the area local amateur radio clubs to participate in the event each year bringing our amateur radio families together as one.