Lines, Circles, and Polygons

Training: Not Required

Age Requirement: Any Age

Reservation of time: First come First Serve


  • Compass
  • Ruler
  • Protractor
  • Pencil
  • Coloring utensils
  • Paper


  • Not applicable in this case
  • Optional: Try activity in a Vector Based Software (Corel Draw, Adobe Illustrator, etc)


Makers will Tinker with creating lines (vectors) to design polygons, circles, points, and nodes.

Safety Considerations

Sharp point on Compass


Minimal Setup

Setup area on table in which you have room to move materials around.



Inspiration: Google Image Search, Google Image Search

Google Search Query: radial, art, math, compass, design, ruler


A design can be imagined from your imagination or it can come from the world around you, even from the internet.


Create with a Compass

Extend and Transfer [link] [image]


Insert a pencil into the compass so the points of the needle and pencil line up.


Spread the compass apart. Hold the needle end onto the paper. Lightly lay the end of the pencil on the paper and spin the paper.

Make circles in different patterns.

• cross lines (vectors) at intersecting lines.

Try making circles all over in different sizes.

Finish the design by adding color with pencils, paint, markers, etc.

Create with a ruler or protractor

Extend and transfer [link] [image]


Make random nodes (points) on the piece of paper.


Draw lines (vectors) between the nodes (points):

  1. Place pencil on point
  2. Press ruler against pencil and line up 2nd point
  3. pull pencil towards you


Continue connecting nodes (points) in any pattern you wish


Finish the design by adding color with pencils, paint, markers, etc.


Some questions to ask yourself?

How do you feel about what you made?

What people or resources did you work with to create this?

Looking back at your plan:

  • Is your plan the same as what you created? Is it ok if it isn't?
  • What will you do differently next time?
  • What will you do the same?

Future Projects

Bubble Wand