Community out-reach

Here is an article in the New vision, a news paper in Uganda about Mathematics.

In partnership with the Research and Innovation Fund (RIF) of Makerere University, we reach out to teachers of Mathematics both at Primary and Secondary school levels with refresher courses; and to both pupils and students with career guidance workshops in matters mathematics and science.  We have so far visited eight districts, namely;  Buyende, Alebtong, Bushenyi, Kayunga, Bukwo, Zombo, Kisoro and Buikwe.

We share some photographs below

Dr. Juliet Nakawa speaking to girls of Stella Maris, Nsube in Buikwe District.

Career guidance with Seseme girls students in Kisoro District

Teachers in Bukwo District displaying their certificates after a refresher course.

Dr. Ismael Mirumbe speaking to pupils of Nyapea girls in Zombo District

The Project PI, Prof. David Ssevviiri giving opening remarks at Namagabi S.S, Kayunga District 

With the leadership of Dr. Celestin Kurijyibwami and courtesy of EAALG, the Department of Mathematics at the University of Rwanda conducted an algebra  mini workshop on Friday November 4, 2022 at the College of Science and Technology ICTP-EAIFR conference room.

The mini-workshop targeted Mathematics teachers from Kigali  city secondary schools and  aimed at

1) developing  logical thinking skills in a proof oriented setting,

3)  enhancing better understanding the language of  mathematics, and

2) developing talents for creative thinking and  problem solving.

Secondary School Mathematics teachers who participated in the UR mini-workshop