
Collaboration Capstone

After reading the lesson about collaboration, the biggest takeaway I have is that we need to take the initiative and "identify how and when to contribute." We need to be able to communicate and know how to work with our coworkers to get the most done. Lastly, we need to be able to take feedback well because that is how we improve.

Collaboration Your job is to design the "High School of the Future". What does it look like? How does it operate? What makes it different? 

If I were to design the "High School of the Future," it would be more modern looking with more technology like multimedia studios and VR rooms to create an interesting environment. The structure of the building will have a modern look with either steel or white natural stone or maybe even concrete. The layout will have open spaces, movable walls, and modular furniture that can be rearranged for different types of learning activities and to promote collaboration. Similar to a university, it will have multiple floors and plenty of space for restaurants, classrooms, and more. I've always wanted to go to a school in which the courses that are taught are actually useful and interesting for the student. So what would make this school different and how it would operate is by having a system in which students are given tests and surveys to see what their strengths and most importantly, their interests are. After, they would be placed into courses that they want and are good at with the option of choosing another course if they want something else. In addition, they will take courses depending on their grade level that will help them create skills that will help them in real life such as financing skills. 

Requirement 3: Using a digital tool of your choice, illustrate the High School of the Future. Write a one page report that details how the school works. 

One Page Report Internship