Work with us!

The DVU group is a creative, positive and stimulating research group. We nurture your talent with 1-2-1 weekly or fortnightly meetings, regular fortnightly group meetings, quarterly review group meetings and dedicated technical and soft skills training opportunities. We celebrate diversity, success, and most importantly, we openly chat about setbacks and learn from things that inevitably do not go as planned. We provide flexible working patterns and direct access to a network of international collaborators. We value your time off, your personal space, and your technical contribution. 

The DVU group's core values are: curiosity, innovation, integrity and well-being.

We are always looking for brilliant and motivated new additions to the DVU Group! 


 We are accepting new people only at the University of Cambridge. When position are available, they will be advertised here.

No open position

If you wish to join the DVU group, but no positions are available, you should consider some of the funding schemes given below (please feel free to suggest more!). Only in this case, when sending the email, please describe which funding you have identified and would like to apply for, together with your CV.  

Please note: 


Each academic year, we accept a limited number of visiting Master and PhD students, visiting Researchers and Academic visitors. If you would like to visit us at the University of Cambridge, please do get in touch with us!

We have reached the max number of visitors for the academic year 2024-2025

Some funding schemes for visiting researchers (for short term research projects)

JOINING THE DVU GROUP (when no open positions are advertised)

PhD Scholarships - note that some have deadline in October/November to start in the following academic year:

Research Assistant/Associate/Fellow -  deadlines vary, please check at least 1 year in advance of when you would like to start

Collaborations with industries 

We have experience working with a broad range of industrial partners, including  energy, construction, aerospace, monitoring and sensing, and defense sectors. 

We do not have schemes to carry out research through undergraduate or MEng research projects. 

If you are interested in sponsoring research assistants/associates and/or PhD students, or putting together a joint research  proposal, please do get in touch directly with Dr Cicirello at

Dr Cicirello is also available for technical consultancy and for technical training sessions. 

DVU Group Postal Addresses 


Dr Alice Cicirello

Department of Engineering

University of Cambridge 

Trumpington St, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, 

United Kingdom