Graduate Resident of the Year

The purpose of the Graduate Resident of the Year Award is to recognize a GR who extraordinarily contributes to and leads community development efforts and provides mentorship of the residents in their area. Through supporting both RA and House Council success, the recipient of this award should have worked hard to help their student leaders learn and grow, support them through challenges, facilitated their learning and growth, provided programmatic support, been a role model, and have strong participation in their team.


Allison Killea (N2)

Ashley Williams (N5)

Tim Holm (N4)

Zari Wilson (Edens)


Zari Wilson!

"Zari is a great coworker, team member, and leader in Edens. She inspires hard work and encourages everybody to be the best they can be. She's always quick to take action, performs her duties with excellence, and is always down to have a fun time. Not to mention she is as caring and supportive as can be. In my mind, there is no competition that Zari is the GR of the Year!" - nominator