Classroom Field Trip Support
Field trips are the ultimate in education and fun for the orchestra students. The synergy created around these events helps unite the students as a team. The more they know each other, the more their musicianship improves. For many, live performances are rare. These young musicians learn about appropriate attire for performances, and also how to be a respectful audience member. Also, on field trips, they get a chance to meet others who play different instruments, and are not necessarily surrounded by the same students they sit with in class.
The DJUSD Orchestra, Band and Choir programs have a proud tradition of
attending performances of musical groups
attending workshops offered by musicians
inviting performers to class
performing outreach concerts to elementary schools
performing yearly the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts
performing in locations outside of the Davis Joint Unified School District
accepting invitations to perform in adjudicated events
Whether traveling across town with a parent driver, traveling by bus, or even by airplane, we want to assist, as best we can, all students in having an opportunity to participate. With your financial contribution, and fund raising efforts through the classroom and through DSOMA, we aim to reduce the cost of each trip.
The teachers and DSOMA greatly appreciate parent/guardian support in driving and chaperoning a trip, or helping to sponsor a student who is unable to afford the cost.
Recently supported trips include attending performances of the Stockton Symphony and Sacramento Philharmonic, tours by the Pacific Conservatory of Music, Competitions and Festivals in, Sacramento, Vallejo and San Jose, and attending concerts at the Mondavi Center.