WPI Education

WPI Education

Throughout my college journey, I experienced a variety of teaching experiences that have shaped my approach to education and prepared me for a career in teaching high school students. Here's a glimpse into my educational journey:

Student Assistant (SA) for Freshman Computer Science Classes (WPI):

As a Student Assistant, I provided support to freshman computer science students by holding office hours, assisting with exam preparation, and grading assignments. This experience enhanced my ability to explain difficult concepts effectively and reinforced that teaching was something I may be interested in doing as a career.

Pre-Practicum Experiences (South Community High School & African Community Education):

In my pre-practicum experiences, I had the opportunity to engage several different high school classrooms, gaining insight into the life of a classroom environment. During Pre-Practicum 1, I observed and assisted math teachers, giving me a greater comfort and familiarity in a high school setting. Pre-Practicum 2 presented a unique challenge as I collaborated with fellow teacher candidates to design and execute a STEM lesson for middle school students. This experience taught me flexibility, adaptability, and the importance of maintaining engagement and control in the classroom. Additionally, pre-practicum 2 reinforced that I much preferred teaching high school compared to middle school.

Noyce Internship (South Community High School):

As part of the Noyce internship, I provided daily support to high school math teachers, gaining hands-on experience in classroom management and working with different kinds of students. This opportunity gave me a greater ability to work one-on-one with students, learning about them as individuals along the way.

Research Experience for Teachers (RET) (WPI):

Participating in the RET program allowed me to dive into educational research and collaborate with experienced teachers in an authentic research lab setting. Through conversations with other teachers, I learned to use real-world applications in my lesson planning and gained insights into how seasoned teachers feel about the many aspects of their jobs.

Practicum Experience (South Community High School):

My practicum experience was the capstone of my education, putting me in the position of a lead teacher in high school algebra classes. Implementing Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Understanding by Design (UBD) principles, I handled the challenges of classroom management, lesson planning, and student engagement. This experience helped me to grow professionally and personally, strengthening my teaching skills and deepening my commitment to helping students become the best they can be.

Each of these experiences has contributed to my growth as an educator, equipping me with the knowledge, skills, and passion to make a positive difference in the lives of my future students.