CAP Elements

The CAP Rubric (from DESE)

"The Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) assesses teacher candidate readiness and supports the provision of targeted, detailed feedback to inform growth. The CAP Rubric is aligned to the Massachusetts Model Teacher Rubric for in-service teachers and measures practice using the same four performance levels (Exemplary, Proficient, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory) with the same descriptors of practice at each performance level. The CAP Rubric is customized for the preparation context in the following ways:

Below are links to pages where I talk about how each of the 7 CAP elements played into my teaching journey.

CAP Elements:

1. Subject Matter Knowledge

2. Well-Structured Units and Lessons

3. Adjustments to Practice

4. Meeting Diverse Needs

5. Safe Learning Environment

6. High Expectations

7. Reflective Practice