District & School Overview

When I graduate I plan to work in the Worcester public schools district. As such, I have done research onto various aspects of the district and the school I am student teaching in.

This chart shows a breakdown of students by race in South High, the Worcester public schools district, and the state of Massachusetts.


This chart gives a breakdown of graduation rate in the Worcester public schools district of students in categories of race, gender, socio-economic status, disability, etc.


Being aware of this data gives me a glimpse into the lives of my potential students and an initial understanding of their circumstances. For example, South High has almost twice the population of African American and Hispanic students compared to the state of Massachusetts while also having less than half the amount of white students. This was representative of the students I met while teaching. This is different than the high school I attended as a student as we had a much larger white population, so there was some getting used to it at first. These statistics also gives us some clue into what the background and home lives of our students are like. While talking to the students may be the best way to get to know them, using statistics gives teachers an initial idea of what their class may be like before meeting any new students.