Safe Learning Environment

Proficiency Indicator (from DESE):

"Uses rituals, routines, and appropriate responses that create and maintain a safe physical and intellectual environment where students take academic risks and most behaviors that interfere with learning are prevented."

In a school, a safe learning environment is essential. Students that feel safe in a classroom are more willing to engage with the class, leading to better learning outcomes. Students that don't feel safe will close off more and pay less attention to the learning. This is evident when a new student is introduced to the class. They are not comfortable in the classroom yet, so they are often quiet and reserved, not answering questions or being social with others. Students that are comfortable in the class will show behaviors like helping out one another or coming up to the front of the class to do an example on the board.

In my teaching experience, I impart a safe learning environment by showing students that it's not a big deal to make mistakes and being wrong is just an opportunity for growth. I also interrupt interfering behaviors like side talk during lessons, excessive phone use, and being mean to one another. Being friendly and understanding of students when things come up also help students feel like they are safe in my classroom. While there is room for improvement in how I govern my classroom, I believe that I have come a long way in terms of making my classroom a safe space for students. 

To show my proficiency in creating a safe learning environment for students I have chosen an assignment I made on parallel and peprendicular lines. Students were tasked with finding examples of parallel and perpendicular streets on google maps at a location that is important to them. As an exit ticket, they had to explain why the place they chose is important to them. The students responded very well to this, showing a more personal side that I've seen before I conducted this assignment. While not every student went into detail, some talked about their home country, a place they wish to go some day, or other places that were special to them for one reason or another. I believe this is indicative of a safe learning environment as students felt like they could talk about things personal to them without being judged by others. 

Lesson Plan Day 1.docx