Subject Matter Knowledge

Proficiency Indicator (from DESE):

"Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and the pedagogy it requires by consistently engaging students in learning experiences that enable them to acquire complex knowledge and subject-specific skills and vocabulary, such that they are able to make and assess evidence-based claims and arguments."

For a teacher to teach a subject, they must first have a certain level of knowledge in that subject. As a math teacher, I needed to have a significant knowledge of both Algebra 1 and 2 to the level that I would not just be able to do the math myself, but also be able to explain it to others in multiple different ways. For me, this was not a large challenge. I've been in accelerated math courses ever since elementary school and I have continued to nurture my interest in math since then through my STEM coursework at WPI.

During my time in practicum I would say that I didn't necessarily get better at doing the math itself, but I did grow in my ability to explain how to do it to others. I learned many different avenues for imparting understanding such as videos, lessons, diagrams, and online assignments, each that appeal to a different kind of learner.

As evidence that I am proficient in Subject Matter Knowledge, I have here a lesson plan from my first announced observation. For this lesson, students worked on a pixel art assignment where they were tasked with writing the equations of different lines in order to create a picture. This lesson plan shows that I am proficient at Subject Matter Knowledge based on the career connections and the students' work at visualizing data and creating models.

LessonPlan - AnnObs1.docx