
Work towards your Astronomer badge, download an app like star tracker lite which will tell you what you are looking at in the sky. July 2020 offers you all 5 bright planets. Venus is that very bright object lighting the east before sunrise. After mid-July, find Mercury below Venus. Jupiter and Saturn are the planets to watch in July 2020. They are close together on the sky’s dome, and both reach opposition this month. Thus they’re at their best, up nearly all night, all month. Mars is looking very red now, steadily brightening, out between midnight and dawn. (

How far away is the moon?

Last year was the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing, but just how far away is that?

Take a large football to represent the earth and a tennis ball for the moon. Get some wool or string and wrap it round the middle of the football 10 times. Once you have that length use this to measure out how far away the moon is from the earth.

What about the sun?

Well it would be a bit more than 100 times bigger than the football - so you would need 100 footballs to measure out the width of the sun and it would be about 1.5 miles away.

The solar system

There are 8 planets orbiting the sun, called our solar system. Why don't you try learning the names of the planets in order.

My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

You might have clay or a solar system kit which you could use to make a model of the planets.

Are we just living on a marble floating in nothing?

The sun is so much bigger than the planet we live on, which is also so much bigger than we are able to explore in our life. Are we just creatures living her for a short time, or is there some sort of purpose to life on earth? Watch the wonder video below to see what the Bible says about our life on Earth.

Is there life on other planets?

Can Science answer all our questions?

Are there more experiments I can do?

The universe is like a massive fireworks display with loads of explosions from stars and supernovae. A supernova happens when a star burns up and collapses. Stars give out loads of energy, light, elements and tiny particle which we can't see. Its difficult to re-create these experiments at home, but here's some you can try.

Moon Chart

Chart the size of the moon over 4 weeks, drawing its shape every day. Download this moon journal

Exploding bath bomb

This was an experiment in Whizz Pop Bang Science Magazine, great monthly science for children.

Why is the far side of the moon sometimes called the "dark side of the moon"?

A) It is always dark there and therefore very cold.

B) We can never see this side from Earth and have no direct radio connection to it. But it is not dark.

C) There are very high mountains on the moon which cast long dark shadows.

D) A landing on this side of the moon is too dangerous, so the moon there shows "its dark side".