Living Things

Check back soon to discover something amazing about living things

Work on your Cub Animal Carer badge or Environmental Concern or Naturalist

Chart all the birds you can spot

Over a week in your garden or going for a walk round your local area mark how many of each bird you spot. You might need a pair of binoculars and this link might help you identify what you have spotted RSPB bird identifier or the most common birds

Download this guide to help you identify what you have found in your pond. Take the RSPB Wild Challenge and see how many other creatures you can spot

Feed the birds over the winter

Make your own bird feeder using recycled materials from your own home. You'll need more adult help with the Tin can but a good challenge for Cubs.

All creatures great and small

What is our place in all the animals?

Find out what is amazing about baby turtles

What does all the wildlife in the world tell us about God?

Plastic Kills

We have all heard how damaging our plastic waste can be to animals and ecosystems. Here is a way we can compact our plastic wrappings inside plastic bottles which can then be used to build things.

For more info visit Ecobricks