
Check back soon to find some activities on Light

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3D Glasses

Download the file which gives you a glasses template.

Cut out some thin clear plastic from some packaging, you will need two one for each lens. Take permanent marker/sharpie pens and colour one red and one blue. Make the right lens blue and the left eye red, tape the coloured lenses onto your glasses frame. (or you may have an old pair of glasses as in the video)

3D ride

Now use your glasses to watch this video in 3D.

Q1 What happens if Ms. Santa wants to light the candle again from diagonally above?

A) The candle only burns when the flame touches the wick.

B) The flame jumps over several centimeters through the air onto the wick.

C) The flame jumps several centimeters through the smoke onto the wick.

D) Only when the flame touches the wax does the candle burn.

Q12 What shape is formed on the illuminated surface on the wall?

A) A hyperbola.

B) An ellipse.

C) A rectangle.

D) A circle.

Q16 What happens when Mr. Santa lifts the glass after the candle has gone out?

A) The glass can be lifted, the tea light and the sponge remain in place.

B) The sponge under the candle is dry.

C) The glass, the sponge and the table are sucked together and thus cannot be lifted.

D) The sponge remains stuck to the glass and is lifted up with it.

Advice of the day:

Please make sure that the cloth is soaking wet.

The Light of the World

Watch this episode to find out what Jesus said about Light

How important is light for life on earth?

Can science help us grow our faith in God?