
Below you can get an overview of my publications. If you have any questions about a particular publication, please feel free to contact me.

Journal articles

Kohlmeier, M., & Fischer-Neumann, M. (2024). Upward track mobility into academic upper secondary education: Effects of challenging parental expectations, immigrant origin, and older siblings on students' educational choices. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 90, 100892.

Fischer-Neumann, M., & Böhnke, P. (2022). With a Little Help from My Peer Clique: Mitigating the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty. European Sociological Review, 38(5), 799–815. 

Fischer-Neumann, M., & Böhnke, P. (2021). Facets of parent–child relations in adulthood and their role in transmitting economic deprivation across generations. Advances in Life Course Research, 48, 1–13. 

Diehl, C., Fischer-Neumann, M., & Mühlau, P. (2016). Between ethnic options and ethnic boundaries – Recent Polish and Turkish migrants' identification with Germany. Ethnicities, 16(2), 236–260. 

Fischer-Neumann, M. (2014). Immigrants' Ethnic Identification and Political Involvement in the Face of Discrimination: A Longitudinal Study of the German Case. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(3), 339–362. 

Book chapters

Böhnke, P., Fischer-Neumann, M., & Zölch, J. (2021). Einmal arm, immer arm? Zur intergenerationalen Transmission von Armutsrisiken. In K. Marquardsen (Ed.), Armutsforschung: Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Praxis (1st ed.). Baden-Baden: Nomos; edition sigma.


Fischer-Neumann, M. (2017). Social Identities of Immigrants–Bridges or Barriers for their Attitudinal Integration into Politics in Germany? Universität Bamberg, opus, Bamberg.