Current research

My current research interests include topics on ethnic and social inequalities and the role of social relations/capital such as the parents, siblings or peers. I have expertise in the application of longitudinal analytical methods on survey data such as SOEP or Pairfam.

Current research projects

The role of older siblings in the educational attainment of children with and without migration background

My research explores the impact of older siblings on educational outcomes. At the heart of this study lies the integration and expansion of existing theories on social class and migration-specific value-expectancy models of educational paths, incorporating a sibling perspective. This project hypothesizes both independent and supportive roles of older siblings, which may counterbalance or reinforce the influences of (migrant) parents. The empirical foundation is provided by an analysis of longitudinal data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). Initiated in 1984 and conducted annually, this household survey's structure uniquely facilitates the linkage of data from parents and older siblings with the experiences of the surveyed individuals, enabling robust empirical insights that surpass those of cross-sectional studies. 

The initiation of the research was supported by an DFG fund as part of the DFG Junior Researcher Academy "Educational Integration"

Influences of the social environment on educational processes of students from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds (DFG scientific network)

Over the next three years, the network SUBES of 14 interdisciplinary researchers aims to investigate the complex interactions between teachers and their social environment and thus contribute to the elucidation of educational disparities. One aim of the interdisciplinary approach is to develop a common theoretical understanding of our research content, define key terms and create an integrative model. In addition, joint project proposals will be developed within the network on the basis of this model and the necessary preliminary work and publications are pursued. Throughout funding, the exchange between the network members will be strengthened in six working meetings, project groups will be formed and new perspectives on issues will be generated by integrating theoretical models.  

The network is funded by the DFG