Note Taking

We live in a digital age and many students are now in 1-to-1 schools, but giving student a choice on 'how' to take note allows for their own learning styles to progress.

National Public Radio posted an article written by James Duobeck titled, "Attention, Students: Put Your Laptops Away" in which he quotes...

"When people type their notes, they have this tendency to try to take verbatim notes and write down as much of the lecture as they can," Mueller tells NPR's Rachel Martin. "The students who were taking longhand notes in our studies were forced to be more selective — because you can't write as fast as you can type. And that extra processing of the material that they were doing benefited them."

Mueller and Oppenheimer cited that note-taking can be categorized two ways: generative and nongenerative. Generative note-taking pertains to "summarizing, paraphrasing, concept mapping," while nongenerative note-taking involves copying something verbatim.

With middle school and high school students the reverse may be true. They can write faster than they can type; however that does not negate the fact that when writing you are forced to summarize your thinking, that is a learning strategy in and of itself.


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This hyperdeck is for TEACHERS. Within the slide deck are links to each of the subsequent slide decks below.

Each slide deck is linked to the documents.

What is Note Taking? - Student Deck - 3-5-19

Click here to make a copy of this slide deck.

How do I take Notes? (AKA traditional Analog Method) - Student Deck - 3-6-19

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Cornell Method Note Taking - Student Deck - 3-12-19

Click here to make a copy of this slide deck.

Cornell Notes Template rev 3-11-19
Cornell Notes EXAMPLE rev 3-11-19
Charting Method Note Taking - Student Deck - 3-12-19

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Mind-Mapping Note Taking - Student Deck - 3-5-19

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Sketchnoting Method - Student Deck - 3-7-19

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Copy of Note Taking in Google Keep

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