Postdoctoral research associates
It is possible to apply for various externally sponsored postdoctorial fellowship programs, and we are happy to work with any applicant interested in doing so. Dr. Drichko is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, and a part of Humboldt Network. She had success in hosting Feodor Lynen Research Fellows. Other possibilities include, for example, Fulbright program, and JSPS Postdoctorial Fellowship for candidates from Japan. There are also fellowships targeting women in science: AAUW, and GWIS.
Applicants must be interested in pursuing projects within the research topics of our group. Please contact Dr. Natalia Drichko to discuss opportunities.
Graduate research assistants
Our program focuses on physics of new topological and magnetic materials, using inelastic (Raman) light scattering as a main experimental tool. Much of the research is done as a part of Institute of Quantum Matter. This ensures active collaboration and exchange with the other groups in the Institute, and provides graduate students unique educational opportunities.
We have active and strong research collaborations at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, National Institute of Material Science (Japan), and Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo.
Application materials for JHU graduate program can be found here. Current JHU graduate students interested in joining our group should contact Dr. Drichko.
List of graduate Fellowships (It is changing over the years and does not contain deadlines)
Undergraduate research assistants
Undergraduate students are welcome to apply for internships in the Raman Users Center. Please contact Dr. Drichko to discuss various projects.