
Chapter 8 Lecture Slides
Molar mass worksheet and key.pdf
  • Objects do not need to have identical masses to be counted by weighing. All we need to know is the average mass of the objects.

  • To count the atoms in a sample of a given element by weighing, we must know the mass of the sample and the average mass for that element.

  • Samples in which the ratio of the masses is the same as the ratio of the masses of the individual atoms always contain the same number of atoms.

  • One mole of anything contains 6.0223 x 10^23 units of that substance.

  • A sample of an element with a mass equal to that element’s average atomic mass (expressed in grams) contains 1 mole of atoms.

  • The molar mass of any compound is the mass in grams of 1 mole of the compound.

  • The molar mass of a compound is the sum of the masses of the component atoms.

  • Moles of a compound = mass of the sample (g) x mol/g

  • Mass of a sample = moles of the sample x g/mol

  • Percent composition consists of the mass percent = (mass of a given element in a compound/mass of 1 mol of the compound) x 100
