Academic Service and Awards

University Service

University Service

2022 - 2023 Chair, Department of Finance

Significant contributions as Chair included:

Established a Women in Finance Speaker Series with JP Morgan

o $25,000 financing from JP Morgan

Established a Student Managed Investment Fund

o $250,000 funding from Dan Davidowitz and Pollen Capital and matched $250,000 funding from the FAU Foundation

Established an Energy and Finance Course sponsored by Florida Power and Light (FPL)

Established a Fintech Minor and Certificate Program

Established an Investments Minor and Certificate Program

Developed new courses on crowdfunding and fintech for undergraduate and graduate students

And usual things (tenure and promotional reviews, annual appraisals, class scheduling)

2018 - 2022 PhD Program Director, Finance, Florida Atlantic University

2018 - current Tenure and Promotions Committee, PhD Committee, Research Committee, Florida Atlantic University

2011 - 2015 SSHRC Grants Committee, York University (university-wide committee)

2013 - 2014 SSHRC Grants Reviewer (Ottawa)

2010 -  2015 Research Committee, Schulich School of Business, York University

2010 - 2014 Tenure and Promotions Committee, Schulich School of Business, York University

2010            Finance Seminar Coordinator, Schulich School of Business, York University

2009 -          Schulich Connect Program Committee (Annual Schulich Alumni Event)

2008 - 2015 PhD Program Director, Finance, Schulich School of Business, York University

2005 - 2006 Student Entrepreneurship Coordinator, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

1999 - 2003 Data Committee, University of Alberta School of Business

Editorial Work

Impact Factor Trend after I started as Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Management in 2020, and did the job alone without a Co-Editor for 7 months in 2021.

A brief note on Editing:

Being an editor takes enormous amounts of time... think about the time it would take to read at least a dozen new papers every week and sending comments to authors on those papers.  The compensation is trivial relative to the effort provided (less than minimum wage).  Editors try to do their best within normal constraints of other things they work on as academics.  Editors are responsible to the publisher, the academic society (for society journals), to associate editors and board members, to reviewers, and to the journal's authors and readers.  Handling of papers is a team effort with reviewers, and sometimes done in consultation with co-editors.  Policies from the publisher can sometimes affect editorial decisions and publication outcomes, as I explained in section 3 of my editorial on my JCF role.  I thank all of those who I have had a chance to work with over the years and appreciate the respectful service everyone has provided.  Editorial roles are temporary.  It is like a team running race where you temporarily carry the baton.  When you pass the baton to the next team, you hope to leave the journal in a better position than it was when you started.  

A note on conflicts of interest: As Managing Editor-in-Chief JCF (2018-2020), I put in place a system where calls for special issues were announced every 3-4 months.  It was an open competition advertised on SSRN and elsewhere with a deadline and a committee (for which I was obviously not a majority vote since I was one of 3 Editors) that ranked proposals.  There were no exceptions to allow proposals to be submitted at other times without giving everyone equal opportunity.  It was an open and fair process where anyone in the world could submit a proposal and those proposals would be reviewed.  Similarly for BJM as Co-Editor-in-Chief (2020-2022), we had in place an inherited system of an annual competition for special issues each December with an open competition.  Again, no exceptions where proposals could be submitted at other times.  There was a committee that evaluated proposals.  Again, I was a minority vote.  Apart from special issue proposals, at both JCF and BJM the group of Editors would do their best to handle papers where there was no apparent conflict of interest. Very rarely, no other Editor was available and/or suitable (e.g., lack of topic expertise) to handle a paper where there might be a perceived conflict of interest; in such rare cases the paper was handled by the Editor in consultation with the other editors and by following the advice of the reviewers.  In some instances, a perceived conflict of interest arose after the original submission and a paper would be transferred to a different Editor to avoid any possible problems.

Founding Managing Editor-in-Chief: Dates:

Review of Corporate Finance (see Official Page) 2021 -

I started RCF with Chelsea Liu and Silvio Vismara with Now Publishers in part due to governance issues discussed in section 3 of this editorial on my JCF role.  We think the initiative is important for authors to have a well governed process that leads towards dissemination of their work.  We greatly appreciate the mutual efforts of the Associate Editors, Guest Editors, reviewers, and authors for helping us get this initiative underway.

Annals of Corporate Governance 2016-2020

I started Annals for an academic society.  Please read the comments below on my service to academic societies.

Managing Editor-in-Chief:

British Journal of Management 2020-2022


Please see this letter from the President of the British Academy of Management regarding my editorial role at the British Journal of Management.

In July 2019 I was hired under a 3-year contract to be Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Management.  My goal was to improve the journal's impact factor an international reach within 3 years to get the journal among the top 5% in the world.  The BJM statistics are now at a record level.  We did it in just 2 years.

In 2019, the year before I started at BJM as Editor-in-Chief, the Scopus Citescore was 5.6 and the journal was ranked in the 93rd percentile (15th overall).  

In 2020, after my first year at BJM as Editor-in-Chief, the Scopus Citescore was 6.8 (a 21.4% increase from 2019) and the journal was ranked in the 94th percentile (12th overall).  Also, BJM's cites/doc increased from 3.508 to 6.099 (70% increase) in my first year as Managing Editor-in-Chief.  BJM has 553 submissions in 2019, the year prior to my starting my 3-year term as Editor-in-Chief, and 720 submissions in 2020, my first year as Editor-in-Chief (a 30% increase). 

In 2021, after my second year at BJM as Editor-in-Chief, and having to do the job as Editor-in-Chief alone for 7 months, the Scopus Citescore is now 8.9 (a 30.9% increase from 2020) and the journal is ranked in the 95th percentile (11th overall).  

We are indebted to the Associate Editors, reviewers, and authors for their excellent work, and of course the prior editorial team. 

Here are the stats for BJM from the Journal Citation Reports:

2018 BJM Impact Factor: 2.750

2019 BJM Impact Factor: 3.023

I started as Co-Editor-in-Chief in Jan 2020

2020 BJM Impact Factor: 6.567 (117% increase from 2019)

In 2021, I had to do the BJM Editor-in-Chief role alone without a Co-Editor for 7 months 

2021 BJM Impact Factor: 7.450 (released June 2022) (13.4% increase from 2020, and a 146% increase from when I started in 2019)

Journal of Corporate Finance 2018-2020

JCF's cites/doc increased from 2.394 to 4.308 (80% increase) in the three years I was Managing Editor-in-Chief.  Also, JCF had 553 submissions in 2017, the year prior to my serving my 3-year term as Editor-in-Chief, and 958 submissions in 2020, the last year I served as Editor-in-Chief (a 73% increase).  We are indebted to the Associate Editors, reviewers, and authors for their excellent work, and of course the prior editorial team. 

Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 2021-current

JIBE's cites/doc increased from 0.720 in 2020 to 1.824 in 2021 (153% increase).  I am lucky to join such an excellent team.

Finance Research Letters 2015-2017                                                                                                                     

FRL's cites/doc increased from 0.653 to 1.222 (87% increase) in the three years I was Managing Editor-in-Chief.  We are indebted to the Associate Editors, reviewers, and authors for their excellent work, and of course the prior editorial team.


Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 2022-current


Corporate Governance: An International Review 2015-current

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 2011-2016


Associate Editor (involved with handling papers):

British Journal of Management 2016-2019

Economic Modelling 2020-current

Eurasian Business Review 2014-2018

Expert Systems with Applications 2020-2021

European Journal of Finance 2013-current

Journal of Applied Accounting Research 2020-2021

Journal of Banking and Finance 2012-current      

Studies in Economics and Finance 2013-current


Advisory Editor:

Journal of Multinational Financial Management 2014-current                    


Special Issue Guest Editor:                                           


Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2021

Special Issue of Crowdfunding 

(with co-guest-editor Sofia Johan)


Management International Review 2021

Special Issue on E-Commerce Policy and International Business (in progress)

(with co-guest-editors Sofia Johan, Zaheer Khan, and Martin Meyer)


Emerging Markets Review 2020

Special Issue on Governance in Emerging Markets

(with co-guest-editors Hisham Farag and Sofia Johan)


Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money 2020

Special Issue on Financial Technology and Governance

Conference in Birmingham UK, June 2020


Journal of World Business Special Issue on Exploring the Next Generation 2019

of International Entrepreneurship: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

(with co-guest-editors Sugato Chakravarty, Samuele Murtinu, and Vittoria G. Scalera)


Journal of Banking and Finance 2019

Special Issue on Entrepreneurial Finance 

(with co-guest-editors Marc Deloof, Sophie Manigart, and Mike Wright)


Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 2019

Special Issue on Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance 

(with co-guest-editors Stefano Bonini and Vincenzo Capizi)


Corporate Governance: An International Review 2017

Special Issue on Corporate Governance in Crowdfunding 

(with co-guest-editors David Ahlstrom and Silvio Vismara)


Journal of International Business Studies 2017

Special Issue the Role of Financial and Legal              

Institutions in International Corporate Governance 

(with co-guest-editors Igor Filatoctchev, April Knill, Lemma Senbet, and David Reeb)


Information Systems Frontiers 2017

(with co-guest editors Sofia Johan and Dennis Schwiezer)


Journal of Corporate Finance 2016

Special Issue on Entrepreneurial Finance                         

(with co-guest-editor Alexander Groh)


Small Business Economics 2015

Special Issue on New Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance                                                                                                       

(with co-guest-editors Joern Block, Massimo Colombo, and Silvio Vismara)


Emerging Markets Review 2015

Special Issue on Alternative Investments in Emerging Markets                                                                                  


Journal of Corporate Finance 

Special Issue Conference on Fraud, Ethics and Regulation                                        2014

(with co-guest editor Sofia Johan)


Journal of Business Ethics 2014

Special Issue Conference on Business Ethics in China       

(with co-guest editors Wenxuan Hou, Edward Lee)


International Review of Financial Analysis  2013

Special Issue Conference on Entrepreneurial Finance in China 

(with co-guest editors Wenxuan Hou, Edward Lee and Zhenyu Wu)


Business History 

Special Issue Conference on Business History in China 2013

(with editors Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee)


European Journal of Finance 2013

special issue on Chinese Capital Markets           

(with co-guest editors Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee)


Journal of Business Ethics 2013

Special Issue Conference on Business Ethics in China 

(with co-guest editors Wenxuan Hou, Edward Lee)


European Journal of Finance 2013

special issue on Chinese Capital Markets           

(with co-guest editors Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee)


Corporate Governance: An International Review  2013

special issue on Global Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: 

Public and Corporate Governance 

(with co-guest editor Rajesh Chakrabarti)


International Small Business Journal 2012

special issue on Entrepreneurship in China 

(with co-guest editors Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee)


European Journal of Finance 2012

special issue on Chinese Capital Markets 

(with co-editors Alessandra Guariglia, Wenxuan Hou and Edward Lee)


European Journal of Finance  2011

special issue on Law, Ethics and Finance 

(with co-guest editors Christine Mallin and Robert Cressy)


Journal of Business Ethics 2011

special issue on Law, Entrepreneurship and Ethics 

(with co-guest editors Christine Mallin and Robert Cressy)


European Financial Management 2010

special issue on Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital 

(with co-guest editor Jean-Marc Suret)


Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2009

special issue on International Entrepreneurship: Managerial and Policy Implications 

(with co-guest editors Harry Sapienza, Donald Siegel and Mike Wright)


Journal of Corporate Finance 2007

special issue on Private Equity, Buyouts, and Governance

(with co-guest editors Michael Jensen, Donald Siegel and Mike Wright)


Editorial Board: Dates:

Sustainability 2020 -

Studies in Applied Economics 2020 -

Review of Financial Economics 2017 -

Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions 2017 -

Heliyon 2017 -  

Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance 2016-

Small Business Economics 2016-

Revue Finance 2015-

Management and Organizations Review 2015-

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015-

Journal of International Business Studies 2015-

Multinational Finance Journal 2015-

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2015-

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, and Money 2015-

Journal of Risk & Control 2014-

Economia e Politica Industriale – Journal of Industrial and Business Economics 2014-

Studies in Economics and Finance 2014 -           

Journal of Alternative Investments 2014 -

European Journal of Finance (Associate Editor involved in handling papers) 2013-

International Journal of Managerial Finance 2012-

Journal of Financial Risk Management 2012-

Journal of Banking and Finance (Associate Editor involved in handling papers) 2012-

Corporate Governance: An International Review 2012 -                                                                      

Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research 2012-

European Financial Management 2011-                                                                

International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance 2011 -

Eurasian Business Review 2010 -

Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 2010-

Journal of Management Studies 2008-

Encyclopaedia of Alternative Investments 2008

Journal of Business Venturing 2006 - 2015

Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance 2006 - 



ScholarGPS   October 2023

- Ranked 1st in the U.S. for research productivity (their formula of publications

and citations) over the past 5 years among all scholars in finance

- Ranked 11th in the U.S. for research productivity for career lifetime 

regardless of age among all scholars in finance

European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)   2023-current

Research Member

Clarivate Highly Cited Scholars     2022

Listed as one of the top 1% of scholars for citations from published papers 

Category: Business and Economics (92 top scholars in the world)

British Academy of Management   2022-current


Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance 2022

Helena Yli-Renko Research Impact Award Announcement 2021

     at the USC Marshall School of Business.

Journal of Small Business Management 2021

Best Reviewer Award

Journal of International Business Studies 2020

Best Reviewer Award


Journal of Risk and Financial Management 2020

Best Reviewer Award


Journal of International Business Studies 2019

Silver Medal for 5 or more substantive contributions to JIBS in the first 50 years


Financial Management & Accounting Research, Limassol, Cyprus 2019

Best Paper Award for “Public to Private Buyouts and Innovation”

British Academy of Management Annual Conference 2018

Best paper award for Corporate Governance

“Venture Capital and Disclosure of Material weakness in Control”

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2017

Best Reviewer of the Year Award

FMA Applied Finance Conference (NY) Best Paper Award for “M&A Rumors” 2017

Elsevier Award for Highly Cited Research, for “Public Policy, Entrepreneurship,  and 2017

Venture Capital in the United States,” Journal of Corporate Finance (JCF, 2013)

Top 5 most cited paper in JCF for Scopus citations in 2014-2016

Open University of Hong Kong, Outstanding Research Paper Award 2017

(“Gender Diversity and Securities Fraud”)

United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) 2016

Award for Entrepreneurial Finance: “Government Venture Capital and Cross-Border Investment”

Eurasian Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference Best Paper Award 2015      

(2nd Place) 16th EBES Conference Istanbul 2015 for the paper

“Cameras Tracking Shoppers: The Economics of Retail Video Surveillance”

Corporate Governance: An International Review Best Paper Award (2nd Place) 2015

Among all papers published in CGIR in 2014 for the paper “The Economic Impact of

Entrepreneurship: Comparing International Datasets”

Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) 2015

Best Paper Award (“Dodd-Franking the Hedge Funds”)

British Council Links Conference on Emerging Markets, Madrid 2015

Best Paper Prize

York University Research Leaders Award 2015

(university-wide recognition) York University Schulich School of Business Research Award                                                         

International Journal of Management Reviews 2014

Best Reviewer of the Year Award

Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (AVCAL) 2014

Research Prize (“Equity Crowdfunding”)

11th Eurasian Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference 2013

in Ekaterinburg, Russia, Best Paper Award (“Gender Diversity in Securities Fraud”)                                                        

Australian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (AVCAL) 2013

Research Prize (“Venture’s Economic Impact in Australia”)

Bank of Canada Best Paper Award, Northern Finance Association 2011 

Annual Conference,  University of British Columbia, 

Vancouver, September 2011 (“The Role of Agents in Private Entrepreneurial Finance”)

Journal of Business Venturing 2010

Best Reviewer of the Year Award

The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CICBV) 2009

Best Paper Research Prize   (“Private Equity Returns and Disclosure around the World”)

Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) Canada Hillsdale 2008

Best Paper Prize (“Don’t Fence Them In: Hedge Fund Regulation and Performance”)

PWC Global Competency Centre Research Excellence Award 2005

(with Uwe Walz) for the study of international accounting standards and 

reports from private equity funds (“Private Equity Returns and Disclosure around the World”)

Best Paper Award at the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship 2005

Conference (“Bankruptcy Law and Entrepreneurship”)

Winner of the Iddo Sarnat Award 2004

best paper published in the Journal of Banking and Finance (JBF) 

for the paper entitled “A cross-country comparison of full and 

partial venture capital exits" (with Jeffrey MacIntosh), published in JBF 27 (2003).

Participation in Conferences

Academic Conference and Workshop Presentations

* = coauthor presentation

** = PhD student presentation

At each of the conferences I participate at, I normally discuss 1-2 papers of other presenters (at times I've done 3) and participate in the PhD workshops (often formally as a mentor)
































