Financial Market Misconduct & Regulation

Consulting on Financial Market Misconduct and Regulation

Expert Witness: I have served as an expert witness on numerous litigation cases involving matters that include but are not limited to tax evasion, improper disclosure, financial accounting fraud, market manipulation (price manipulation, marking the close, layering, spoofing, wash trading, aggressive trading, pre-arranged trading, among others, using SMARTS computerized algorithmic technology / RegTech), hedge fund misconduct, mutual fund misconduct, valuation and disclosure in mergers and acquisitions, cancellation of dividends, market efficiency and damages, wrongful dismissal, and valuation of private enterprises backed by venture capital and private equity funds.  Details are available on request.

Advisory work: I have advised regulatory bodies in North America, Europe, and Australasia on financial market regulation, including matters pertaining to trading rules, surveillance, venture capital programs, taxation, and crowdfunding legislation.  Details are available on request.

Pro bono work: I worked with the Democracy Forward Foundation, offering advice on a brief pertaining to the NASDAQ Diversity Rule, mostly on the body of work that links diversity to fraud (pursuant to our 2015 AMJ paper).  For some background on this matter, see here and here

Working Papers on Financial Market Misconduct and Regulation

Other working papers in progress (details available on request).

Refereed Publications on Financial Market Misconduct and Regulation


Books on Financial Market Misconduct and Regulation

Chapters in Books on Financial Market Misconduct and Regulation