RegTech &
Manipulative Trading
Advising Activities on RegTech
Advisory Committee: Ontario Securities Commission, 2016 - 2017. I served on the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Committee.
Consulting: I have provided expert testimony in cases involving manipulative trading (marking the close, pump and dump, layering, etc.) using surveillance technology.
Working Papers on RegTech
Cumming, Douglas J. and Ji, Shan and Tarsalewska, Monika, 2023. "Market Manipulation and ESG Incidents"
Presented at the 4th Global Chinese Accounting Association Summit, Curtin University, Perth, Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting, Accountability & Governance 2nd Annual Conference (ASFAAG), Bayes Business School, City University of London, Capital University of Economics and Business (CUEB), Beijing, Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB) Conference, Financial Management Association, Europe, Annual Conference, Lyon, Hawkes Center Workshop on Sustainability and Finance, Shanghai Green Finance Conference, Swansea University, Huddersfield Business School, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, INSPER, São Paulo Brazil, ISAFE Conference, Saigon Vietnam, Keynote, Annual International Undergraduate Finance Research Conference (IUFRC), Sri Lanka, Unisinos, São Leopoldo, Brazil, International Conference on Global Business and Societal Reset, India, University of Bradford's Annual Postgraduate Conference, University of South Carolina Darla Moore School of Business, and the University of Western Australia.
Cumming, Douglas J. and Li, Yuan and Yu, Yimeng, 2023. "Stock Market Manipulation and Corporate Venture Capital Investments"
Presented at the Citrus Finance Conference, University of California, Riverside, the University of New South Wales, and the University of Technology, Sydney, ESADE, University of Reading, IE Business School
Akter, Maimuna and Cumming, Douglas J. and Ji, Shan and Verdoliva, Vincenzo, Market Manipulation and Corporate Culture (April 10, 2022).
Presented at FMA Atlanta, Oct 2022.
Others... details available on request.
Refereed Publications on FinTech and Regtech in Trading and Surveillance
Akter, M., D.J. Cumming, and S. Ji, 2023. "Natural Disasters and Market Manipulation" Journal of Banking and Finance, 153, 106883.
Aitken, M.J., D.J. Cumming, F. Zhan, 2023. "Algorithmic Trading and Market Quality: International Evidence of the Impact of Errors in Colocation Dates" Journal of Banking and Finance, 151, 106843.
We show that a 2021 JFQA paper uses dates on colocation (an exchange rents out space for traders to put a server at the exchange to speed up trades) that are wrong. The appendices in our paper provide full documentation. Also, the JFQA authors and (former) editor were informed about the errors prior to putting their paper in print, as documented in our appendices.
Cumming, D.J., S. Ji, R. Peter, M. Tarsalewska 2020. "Market Manipulation and Innovation." Journal of Banking and Finance 120, 105957. [ABS 3]
Akyildirim, E., S. Corbet, D.J, Cumming, B. Lucey, A. Sensoy, 2020. “Riding the Wave of Crypto-Exuberance: The Potential Misusage of Corporate Blockchain Announcements” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 159, 120191. [ABS 3]
Corbet, S., Cumming, D.J., Lucey, B., Peat, M., Vigne, S., 2020. “The Destabilising Effects of Cryptocurrency Cybercriminality” Economics Letters, 191, 108741. [ABS 3]
Cumming, D.J., S. Ji, S.A. Johan, M. Tarsalewska, 2020. “End-of-Day Price Manipulation and M&As” British Journal of Management, 31, 184–205. [ABS 4]. See also this cool video about the paper.
Cumming, D.J., and S. Johan, 2019. “Capital-Market Effects of Securities Regulation: Prior Conditions, Implementation, and Enforcement Revisited” Finance Research Letters, 31, 425-435. [ABS 2]
This paper comments on some improper developments in the literature that developed from our 2011 paper in the Journal of Financial Economics (see below).
Cumming, D.J, A. Groh, and S. Johan, 2018. “Same Rules, Different Enforcement: Market Abuse in Europe” Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions, & Money, 54, 130-151. [ABS 3]
Cumming, D.J., W. Hou, and E. Wu., 2018. “Exchange Trading Rules, Governance, and the Trading Location of Cross-Listed Stocks” European Journal of Finance, 24, 1453-1484. [ABS 3]
Aitken, M., D.J. Cumming, and F. Zhan, 2017. “Trade Size, High Frequency Trading, and Co-location around the World” European Journal of Finance, 23(7-9), 781-801. [ABS 3]
Aitken, M., Cumming, D.J., and F. Zhan, 2015. “High Frequency Trading and End-of-Day Price Dislocation” Journal of Banking and Finance, 59, 330-349. [ABS 3]
Aitken, M., D.J. Cumming, D.J., and F. Zhan, 2015. “Exchange Trading Rules, Surveillance, and Suspected Insider Trading” Journal of Corporate Finance, 34, 311-330. [ABS 4]
Cumming, D.J., S.A. Johan, and D. Li, 2011. “Exchange Trading Rules and Stock Market Liquidity” Journal of Financial Economics 99(3), 651-671. [ABS 4* FT]
Cumming, D.J., and S. Johan, 2008 “Global Market Surveillance” American Law and Economics Review 10, 454-506. [ABS 2]
Books on RegTech
Alexander, C., and D.J. Cumming, 2020. Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets: Malpractice, Misconduct, and Manipulation. Wiley Press.
Chapters in Books on RegTech
Cumming, D., R. Dannhauser, S. Johan, 2021. “Reputational Effects of Noncompliance with Financial Market Regulations.” In D. Daniel Sokol and B. van Rooij, eds., The Cambridge Handbook of Compliance, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 19, pp. 245-276.
Cumming, D., S. Johan, 2020. “Securities Regulation” in H.K. Baker, ed. Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chapter 4.